Corkscrew Clouds?

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And for further interesting stuff weather optics

Not sure how I came across this site, may have been posted here before :)

How about this monster? Does that look like a doouble helix swirl at the base to you, or is it just my eyes?

Hikerbob wrote: "How about this monster? Does that look like a doouble helix swirl at the base to you, or is it just my eyes?"

That looks like a very leading edge of a squall line (probably the gust front) with the rain falling just behind it. I can imagine winds were at least 40-50+ in gusts. That looks like a nasty one, esp for us here in New England.

HikerBob said:
How about this monster? Does that look like a doouble helix swirl at the base to you, or is it just my eyes?


I'm not sure I see a corkscrew here, but I do have a feeling that if you see something like this you just might be screwed. Badly.
Here's a closer look at the base of the monster that preceeded the squall line.

Twist of cloud or imagination?

I wished I'd stopped a little earlier when I could have got a sequence of shots as it developed.
