disagreement is good


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Re: what was this thread about?

ajtiv said:
...there is nothing worse than reading a thred title, going to it to get valuable information and reading pages and pages of BS. [sic]

I respectfully disagree: while I find hyperbole nearly as annoying, neither is so bad that nothing is worse.

Also, discussions evolve and take various paths, sometimes simultaneously. Is there anything worse than standing in the way of an interesting and evolving thread? Probably, but that hardly validates your stand against your particular superlative abhorance.
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Maybe my post was a little harsh I did not intend to cause harm.

I welcome disagreement it is what makes this an educational and enjoyable board.
There is a diverse group of people with some really thought provoking and insightful opinions here along with the years and years of outdoor experiences to share and compare.

Hearing both sides of a discussion is healthy and required so we as individuals can form, our own opinions on a subject matter after carefully digesting all the presented points of view.
On very rare occasions in MHO the discussions become non constructive.

I agree that going off topic usually results in unearthing nuggets of information that might not otherwise be addressed.

I was only commenting on the negative posts that are again, in MHO, detrimental to a good and productive dialogue about what we all love the enjoyment of the great outdoors.
My apologies if I offended anyone here.
Periwinkle -

Quoting from your earlier post, you asked

"If this wasn't clear, maybe it bears further clarification. What I am asking is if anyone has used a cellphone or checked signal reception out of sheer curiosity at or near the following locations:

Guyot Shelter
Madison Springs Hut
Greenleaf Hut
Galehead Hut"

I get adequate cell phone signal from those locations using Cellular One. FWIW - sometimes on or near summits there will be overlapping signals from cell towers below, causing erratic phone calls, even though the signal strength is high. If this occurs, I've found that dropping down 10-20' will often make a big difference and correct this problem.
911 FYI

My new job has me installing GPS and 911 equipment at cell sites. A lot of equipment has already been deployed in NH. This means that very soon, if not already, 911 services will be able to accurately locate a phone from which 911 has been dialed.

Disagreement is NOT good. And that was not the subject title as I posted it.

I appreciate the continued information on my original question.

I do not appreciate continued bickering on this thread. Or the renaming of it, which was certainly NOT done by me.
porky said:
I disagree with everything in every post on this thread, including this one, and I haven't even read any of them,
porky pine

Disareement is good EXCEPT when people disagree with me. Then it's bad, bad, bad.........
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Disagreement is OK until it gets to be a pain in the butt. Right now, all this stuff has risen up to the point of being a pain in my butt.

A few points:

1) This is just a website.

2) Keep posts in a thread on the original topic of the thread.

3) Peakbagr and I are sorry if any of the moderation that was done has offended anyone. It was not the intent. Care will be taken in the future to avoid it.

4) Please re-read #1 and #2.

I am locking this thread to prevent any further digression. I hope doing that does not piss anyone off but I think it is best (even though the odds are against me and I am sure one or two of the 1000+ people here will get pissed).

Peri - I hope you were able to get some valuable information. If you need more information, please start a new thread asking about cell provider coverage in the Whites. Any posts in that thread that complain about cell phone usage and does not offer information answering the question she asks will be deleted.

Everyone - please realize that moderation is a losing battle. There is no way to keep everyone happy. If you delete a thread people will get pissed. If you do not delete the same thread then different people will get pissed. Everyone here does not see all of the complaint emails that we get. We try to please everyone, but it is impossible.

Now everyone please take a moment to calm down and lets post about the backcountry and please stay on topic.

- darren
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