Maybe, I'm a victim of my surroundings. Having grown up hiking here, I guess, I just assumed trails were supposed to be rough. In my climbing out West, I have seen little to make me think, we have it bad here. Granted, most of my climbs are on routes that either have "use" trails, or are just as rocky and tough as the trails in the Whites. The 14er initiative in CO has upgraded a lot of the standard routes on the 14ers. The upgraded trails do tend to have a more forgiving footbed. But it's pretty dry out there, our trails get pounded with rain fairly frequently and as someone mentioned, out freeze/thaw cycles are pretty brutal. I was just on Osceola, pretty good example of how rocky out trails can be. Basically like walking down a field of rock hard basketballs, it will hurt you, if your not used to it. I tried going to trail runners, have no clue how you guy's do it. I'd rather wear boots and let them absorb the impact of these trails myself, but I'm a lazy hiker. I don't really try to avoid stuff as I hike, I rarely look at the trail, I'm walking on.