Dix range my 46th aug 27, 28 or 29


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Sep 4, 2003
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On the beach Triavalon race
I hope to hike the Dix range (less Dix itself) on the last weekend in August. I am flexible fo Fri-Sat or Sat-Sun. My plan is to hike Macomb, Hough, Carson and finish up on Grace (as a tribute to Grace H) as my 46th peak. I am looking for some frineds to hike with and help me celebrate my looonnngggg quest to finish the 46. Post here or PM or email me if you are interested. I know this is a little early but I'm trying to plan a week of hiking and need to try and get an itinerary together.
I'm planning a canoe trip that weekend, but good luck on your final four! Finishing on East Dix/Grace will be a nice tribute to 46-R #9.
I would love to Carol, but my timing is not right. I've got family coming in town to visit that weekend. I'm AM going to attempt the 5 Dixes the FOLLOWING weekend. Wish I could be with you for #46! Good luck!
