Double Pemi 6/26-27

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Anyway to make a long story short......Went over Garfield and up Lafayette which was reached at 3:30am......took a long break on Little Haystack when the daylight feeling of cramps this pemi-loop......I brought a jar of salt with me I sucked on and put in the water. It seemed to work:) However a heavy tiredness set in and sometimes on the ridge and going down Osseo Trail it was very difficult to stay awake while hiking......decided that it might be a bad idea to do a second loop if I had a hard time staying awake during the first loop so I bailed at Lincoln Woods. Larisa came to meet me a bit into the Osseo Trail on my way down. She was supposed to do the 2nd lap with me but nice of her to walk in to make sure I wasn't sleep walking.

Yeah, but with this you can now answer yes to: “Is that a pickle in your pocket?”