Well-known member
Thanks.darren said:Dude - I feel for you. I know what you are going though. With the exception of 3 weeks, I have not used my right leg in 9 months. The body says, "I haen't used it, so I don't need it, so I will get rid of it". I now have "severe" osteoperosis in my right leg. All of the bones have degenerated into swiss cheese. I've gone to Boston and the docs say that I need to do PT and exercise to get the bones to regenerate. The problem is that my fibula is still fractured. So I get to do PT on a fractured leg. The surgeon said "prepare yourself, it is going to hurt like hell, but you have to do it." Usually, doctors say "this won't hurt, just a little prick." Sigh. This doc was right.
I feel for you. The waiting is much worse than the pain.
Best of luck,
Sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place...
It is often the details that get you. I was in good shape when I came home from the hospital (80+ deg of knee flex). But now I'm having problems with fluid accumulation in the knee joint capsule, probably due to tissue damage from overactive PT. About 20 deg flex and pain whenever I move it.
Perhaps the next addition to VFTT should be a forum for the injured to share advice, commiserations, and war stories.
Good luck with beating it. I've been between a rock and a hard place before and managed to escape--hopefully you can too.
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