DougPaul's 7000th Post

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7000 ... Hmm ... I wonder what that might look like in binary ....... Who would one ( I rhetorically pose) ask?
Ask Google ... who will lead you to (among MANY others) to Decimal/Binary Conversion Tool. This tool will tell you that 7000 decimal is 1101101011000 binary. Most of us are more comfortable with the hexadecimal version: 1B58.

This whole thread is about as overworked as a Champlain bridge, and just as well supported!

I thought "de gustibus" was the Latin version of the Schlitz Beer ad, wherein it is written (on whatever they write it on up there) that one should "Go for the Gusto" with the one beer to have (when you're having more than one).

Is that not it?

Quod erat demonstrandum....