Dream adventure


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My dream adventure

In my dreams it would go something like this:

My boss calls me into his office and says:
hey Brambor, ... we have noticed your passion for the outdoors and we have thought we would want to reward you for coming to work on time and leaving work not too early. The BOD has decided to give you 8 months of PAID vacation with $15,000 bonus that you could use for your equipment. This offer is only valid if you use it for a uninterrupted outdoor expedition (that could pass at home... me thinks).

I would then decide between these:

1. Hike or ski hut to hut throughout the entire Norway hut system.
2. Same as above but substitute the word Norway with Alps
3. the good ole AT never fails

In specific order:

4-6 week tour of Australia (focusing mainly on the South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland costal areas, but with quick runs into Northern Territory...mainly to see Uluru....and Western Australia, mainly to visit Shark Bay)

Same time frame, 4-6 weeks, driving and some hiking out West to see the "big country"

Again, 4-6 weeks touring through the Austria's, Switzerland's, Italy's, France and Germany's part of the alps.

A couple weeks backpacking in Alaska.

1- Backpacking in Alaska
2- Backpacking in Australia
3- Skiing the Alps in Switzerland
4. Skiing the Haute Route
5. Treking to Everest Base Camp
6. Skiing and hiking Jackson Hole
7. Yellowstone in winter
The list never ends but in my dreams only.
Reality check. In a PM someone shared some great advice with me. As our bodies decline and they refuse to measure up to great adventures, we need to content ourselves with a more sedentary life style.
Sooo....I have come up with this.
Knitting rugged outdoor sweaters, mittens, and socks.
(Taking orders now.)
Reading expedition books.
Watching the "I shouldn't Be Alive Series" and Christian the Lion movie while eating trail mix.
Walking in the local park with my MSR Lightning Ascents and wearing my microspikes to the Big Y.
Using my hiking pole to get out of my FJ Cruiser and asking Kodi to carry my granola bar in her backpack.
Feasting on all your incredible trip reports so keep them coming please.
Last but not least, working on my mind so that I can thoroughly enjoy these things as much as I loved my "great adventures". Not to be taken lightly, I will revel in these incredible memories as I work on my new goals, and yes, I will continue to dream of high peaks in the hope that one day I can bag another summit, even if it is Bromley mountain.
Ever onward and upward!:):D:cool:
Reality check. In a PM someone shared some great advice with me. As our bodies decline and they refuse to measure up to great adventures, we need to content ourselves with a more sedentary life style.
For me, getting out is more important than what I do.

I've had to scale back recently because I'm having difficulty rebuilding my leg muscles following my broken leg (and I'm not as young as I used to be either...). I'm still working on the leg--maybe I'll be able to rebuild it to what it would have been, maybe not. But as long as I can still get out and do some easier stuff, I'll be OK.

And if and when the time comes that I can't get off pavement, I'll just have to enjoy the outdoors from the roadside viewpoints.

In other words, I'm not going to sweat the tick list...

on mine

I'm on my dream adventure - I never know what's next, and it always keeps me on my toes - raising kids in the great outdoors :)
For me, getting out is more important than what I do.

Doug...you are raising my spirits. IT 's not easy to transition from very active to doing a complete turn around and having to modify your dreams and deal with a new "reality".

"Just getting out there" and being grateful for that might have to be the new "dream adventure". It's reassuring to know that others are dealing with having to modify their dreams as well.

Darn....this was never suppose to happen.

I will keep Alaska at the top of the list, but maybe not backpacking.
Doug...you are raising my spirits. IT 's not easy to transition from very active to doing a complete turn around and having to modify your dreams and deal with a new "reality".

"Just getting out there" and being grateful for that might have to be the new "dream adventure". It's reassuring to know that others are dealing with having to modify their dreams as well.
For me, agonizing over what one can no longer do isn't very productive. Focusing on what one can do (or figuring out a new way to achieve the old goal) seems better. And easier on the state-of-mind...

Darn....this was never suppose to happen.
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agly
(Robert Burns, 1785)

Mine are somewhat humble. I’ve seen a number of different countries, and cultures, and have enjoyed them all immensely. Now, I simply want to do the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. Oh yeah, one more trip to Italy for Susan if you please.
To win the world series of poker, retire from climbing, move to hawaii and surf.
Mine would be from Lhasa to Katmandu with a detour to Everest Base Camp on mt bike. Not much in the terms for singetrack but the scenery and culture would be awesome.

I went to a lecture a couple years ago by a guy who had actually done this on a guided tour, and was able to ride up the glacier above Base Camp on the Chinese side but had to pay the peak fee :)

1- Backpacking in Alaska
2- Backpacking in Australia
3- Skiing the Alps in Switzerland
4. Skiing the Haute Route
5. Treking to Everest Base Camp
6. Skiing and hiking Jackson Hole
7. Yellowstone in winter
The list never ends but in my dreams only.
Except for the Haute Route and maybe Everest Base Camp, all of these should be feasible by simply doing easier ski and backpacks trips rather than summit of Denali for instance