Driving golf balls on Mt. Washington


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"Was it a Titlesist?" (Kramer Reference).


I believe myth, but you never know.

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I also believe this story is a myth. WHO in their right mind would do something as stupid as this???? Talk about using a 5 iron on a par 457???? What were they thinking??? :D
Myth or Fact:

You know, I wasn't entirely sure why this 'urban myth' stuff had legs, so I just went back to the first post.

timmus said:
Really. I saw them last saturday, I just regret I could'nt stop them. So watch out !

This appears to be an eye witness account. So either we're telling timmus we think he's lying , or we're being sloppy readers.

Thought I'd point that out.
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Good points.

From where I'm typing, I don't know Timmus, so at least for me, as with all posts(ers), you kinda go with what you know. I have heard similar stories over the years...so who knows...plus most "myths"...have some basis in reality.

Now I must go have my Pop Rocks and soda, so my stomach will explode. ;)

--M. said:
So either we're telling timmus we think he's lying , or we're being sloppy readers.QUOTE]

First, Timmus is a she, not a he.

I saw her and her boyfriend last Sunday. When they told me the story, I could see on their faces that they were not lying. Or if they did, they're also very good actors.

And who are you to decide who's lying and who's telling the truth based on an simple email??? Who are you to use "we think" when there are several hundreds of posters here? Lie or truth, I've seen enough morons in my hiking life to accept the fact that it could be more than a myth, so I, for one, don't think she's lying.
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sli74 said:
I don't know about golf balls but I have seen kids throwing rocks quite often. I have even seen it on Wheeler Peak in New Mexico where there is no road to the top. When I tried politely to explain to the 2 teenagers that the trail switchbacked below them and that rocks the size of footballs will do a LOT of damage if it hits someone, they just looked at me, rolled their eyes, called me a nasty name and proceeded to throw the rocks. I even told them that there was a little 7 year old boy hiking up 10 minutes behind me and that the rocks could likely kill him if they hit him, they still continued. I had to walk away, I was so mad.

I almost said something to the 2 people descending as I continued to ascend but kept quiet only to realize a few minutes later that those 2 people were the parents of the teens. Guess I should've spoke up.

So golf balls may or may not be a myth but the rock throwing happens quite often.


When I Hiked Wheeler , we had peak to our selves at 8 AM makes me glad I was up so early . Before my injury I would have picked the kids up like logs and tossed them into t Willaims lake. 2500 ft below . . I can see rock throwing happneing . But not the golfing .
BTW SLI did you stop at the Bravairian place at then end of the trail from Williams lake? I have very fond memories of my times in Taos
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Hey everyone,

as I see my (true) story brought many different reactions. I am a sceptical person too, so I understand why some of you saw this as an urban myth. But I think that the person who would made up a story like this, just to draw attention on a forum, is stupid as the guy and his wife driving golf balls down Mt. Washington.

timmus said:
Hey everyone,

as I see my (true) story brought many different reactions. I am a sceptical person too, so I understand why some of you saw this as an urban myth. But I think that the person who would made up a story like this, just to draw attention on a forum, is stupid as the guy and his wife driving golf balls down Mt. Washington.


Timmus, I believe you - do you believe we once saw a woman in pink flip flops making her way down the Tuckerman Ravine Trail? :eek: Pink flip flops decorated with flowers.
Please let me clarify: I did not say that I didn't believe Timmus, nor did I accuse anyone else of the same. I was trying to make clear that we had the person's word for it, so it shouldn't be considered an 'urban myth,' since we have an eye-witness account. Sorry about the gender.

So please don't be offended and RED SQUARE me!!

And I think it's highly inappropriate to drive golf balls off of Mount Washington, and entirely in keeping with its reputation among the general public that someone would think it a propos.

