DVD recommendation


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Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
Westbrook ME
if you can find it, check out 2000 Miles to Maine. Documentray about hiking the AT. Not oscar award winning material but very good insight into the concept of through hiking and the characters that are out there. We got it through a friend but my local library could have gotten it if need be. I didn't see it on Netflix.
I've seen a few AT hiking movies and my favorite is an oldie called Five Million Steps. It starts out with a guy hiking in slippers, full pack on his back. You can feel the pain...

Sounds like a good movie. So does TREK. We'll have to check out their availability.

Netflix offers a DVD about the AT called Southbounders, which was actually pretty good. It involves a little romance:D

There was a documentary on PBS a few years ago and I think it was 2000 Miles to Maine. One of the better AT shows we have seen.

I wanted to bump this thread up and give another vote for the movie "Southbounders". I saw it on Netflix last night. Not a documentary, it's the story of a small group of southbound hikers on the AT. And hikers, esp New England hikers, will see a lot of familiar places in Maine and NH as "Southbounders" was filmed entirely on location, on the trail.

The film has its moments where the cameraderie of the AT is beautifully captured (esp in the "sing-a-long" scene), and I'd bet that if you've ever hiked the trail, it'll bring you back in a nice way. Yes, it's got a little romance in it, and the lead actor is female (cute, too) but it's definately not a chick flick. It's even got a good soundtrack with a couple of original songs to boot and though this flick isn't a comedy, it's got one uproarious LMAO scene that comes out of nowhere about 2/3 of the way thru it. You'll know what I'm talking about when you get to it. And if you're the type of person who likes to find "goofs" or factual errors in a film, you'll love this one 'cause Southbounders is chock full of 'em! But this ain't a perfect film. It's a B-grade indie flick with B-grade sound and B-grade acting. It's the perfect imperfect movie for hikers.

If you hike, you will like this movie. You can stream it or rent it thru Netflix. Here's it's IMDB page.

I own both of these DVD's and enjoy watching them periodically. I love the dog. He certainly has no problem expressing himself.

My very favorite AT vid which I bought at EMS several years ago is Appalachian Impressions. It comes in a set of two DVD and covers the AT state by state. The visuals are just beautiful and I like the hiker interviews very much. I think it's worth buying because you can enjoy it over and over again if you feel you want to just get away some evening.
I wanted to bump this thread up and give another vote for the movie "Southbounders".
Thirded. Just watched this...very fun movie, and my non-hiking girlfriend enjoyed it, too. On the plus side, got me in the mood for hiking tomorrow...on the down side, now I'm homesick for New England.