Earth quake!!!

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Jan 13, 2004
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So- I am relaxing at home this afternoon when all of a sudden things just started to shake rattle and roll.

Every mirror and every framed picture, even the book shelves all started to sway back and forth and flop around and knock against the walls. I grabbed one tall book shelf that I thought might go over and then had a thought that maybe I should get out of the building.

Sounds trippy- and definitely was in that not drug induced but whow, reality sometimes is very strange kind of way. But it also felt familiar and I remembered an earth quake that occured in NYC about 22 years ago. I was scared. Couldn't think what to grab as I ran out the door, money, irreplacable papers, the cat, my best gear. Sugar- why didn't I have the backpack completely packed and ready to go.! It's time like this that I would prefer to sleep with my head on the ground and not up in the air in my high-rise apartment in NYC.


Anyone out in the wilds and feel this event? I read that NYC is on/near a fault line- so I quess stuff will happen. I wouldn't be surprised if we see structural damage to some buildings in NYC discovered in the next day or so.
The floor in my lab. was moving in the berkshires and the lights were swaying, it was like being in my kayak on the ocean on light waves...

Didn't feel it. But a lot of people did!

...Couldn't think what to grab as I ran out the door, money, irreplacable papers, the cat, my best gear. Sugar- why didn't I have the backpack completely packed and ready to go.! It's time like this that I would prefer to sleep with my head on the ground and not up in the air in my high-rise apartment in NYC.

I teach Earth Science and when we cover earthquake preparedness, the first thing I tell the students is not to run out of a building. In the event of a major quake, glass could be flying, ceilings collapsing, debris flying, etc... It's safer to get under a strong table or desk and hold on :eek:

I didn't read up on this one yet, but from what I've heard so far about New York...this didn't seem to be an issue.

Hope everyone remained injury free.
Didn't feel it. But a lot of people did!

I teach Earth Science and when we cover earthquake preparedness, the first thing I tell the students is not to run out of a building. In the event of a major quake, glass could be flying, ceilings collapsing, debris flying, etc... It's safer to get under a strong table or desk and hold on :eek:

I didn't read up on this one yet, but from what I've heard so far about New York...this didn't seem to be an issue.

Hope everyone remained injury free.

I'd grab my bike helmet, then run out of the building :)

That explains my mental disconnect Jay. You are the only person I've known who loved their bike enough to share a cubicle with it. I should have known you wouldn't have left it behind!
My old girlfriend in San Fran. called me to tell me that we are all a bunch of east coast wimps, like someone else said on the radio, californians eat 5.0 quakes for breakfast.:eek:
We may be wimps but they are just stupid to live in a high-risk seismic zone like the Bay Area. They can eat my 7.6 on the richter scale. I don't know what's worse, the shaking and collapse, falling into the ocean or burning in the subsequent fires.
That morning I was trying to reach the summit of Adams for the sunrise and figured that the Subway in King's Ravine would be really interesting under the cover of night. Ya know, something out of the ordinary.

While removing my pack to crawl under one massive boulders I mentioned how lucky we were that we don't have earthquakes, and that if I thought there was even the slightest chance that we could have an earthquake, I really don't think I'd be willing to crawl around in some of those areas.

I know I was there plenty of time prior to the quake, and of course I didn't feel anything when it actually struck, but it was still a heck of a coincidence. Not everyday do I spend my morning crawling underneath boulders.

I could only imagine the story my family would have to tell.

"Well, he was killed during the quake, it was a real shame."

"Oh, thats horrible, some freak accidents you just can't avoid. What happened?"

"Well, he was sprawled underneath a 2 ton boulder at 3 AM and..."
"Well, he was sprawled underneath a 2 ton boulder at 3 AM and..."

Dirt Nap, Boulder Nap.
I guess, a Naps a Nap !

I didn't feel it in Carlisle, Ma but , I was running an electric sander at the time and might not of noticed it as much.

I went to the weather channel to try and get the forecast so, I could try and plan my weekend, with the hurricane coming.
All I could get was earthquake news.
So I went to M-TV for the weather. They don't play music anyways.
The coordinates of the epicenter and Fast Moment Tensor Solutions for the Virginia earthquake have led some researchers to hypothesize that the earthquake resulted from reverse faulting on the northeast-striking Spotsylvania Fault or Lakeside Fault within the Central Virginia Seismic Zone. One proposed explanation for the cause of the stresses giving rise to the earthquake is differential rebound of the crust due to isostatic adjustments.

Well...thanks Willie...that really clears things up for me. ;)

This quake felt like last years to me. I knew it was something, but could just as easily have been a big truck, muscle spasm or old oil burner kicking on.