Easier NH 4k's in winter


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May 17, 2005
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Western MA
What are some of the easier 4k' s in the winter. We have done quite a few 4k's with our kids during the summer and fall with Cannon as the only winter hike completed by the whole family. I was looking for some others that usualy have well broken out trails. Thanks, Mark
Tom, Field and Pierce get broken out. Pierce is a great view for the effort.
Cabot is not too tough in winter conditions(I did it in mid-Dec, technically late fall with snow) Moosilauke via Glencliff is a relatively easy trail.
Pierce probably the easiest that provides a great view, can be hard to stay on trail near the top (at least I found it so)

Jackson pretty easy too although the very top might require crampons

Liberty via Liberty Spring is pretty straight forward

Tecumseh not too hard but not much view, can watch skiers from one spot.

Waumbek - okay I have not done this one in winter yet, just late fall, possibly this year, may have to park on Route 2

Not easy despite short distances: East Osceola, Wildcat D or A (usually done together) Moosilauke via Beaver Brook
South and Middle Carter via 19 Mile Brook and Imp Trails is a reasonable loop.
probably not one of the "easiest" - but the old bridal path up laffayette is pretty much always broken out, gets alot of traffic - making for easy travel - but depending on your fitness level, can be considered strenous.

but its a great winter hike with great views and a bit of above treeline travel as well. - even if you only go to hut - still worthwhile hike.
I would definitely second the Old Bridle Path to Lafayette since it gives you great views at several places where you can assess the conditions before summitting. Just one note that the trail can be so packed out that crampons rather than snowshoes will be more useful getting up the "Agonies", even if you don't plan on summitting.

Another relatively easy but somewhat long winter hike is Passaconaway via Dicey's Mill Trail.

Try the thread above, it got a lot of responses to the same question.

I think given the right weather and trail conditions, almost any peak can be easy and almost any peak can be difficult. But, for me under the conditions I hiked the following were "Easy"


Have fun,

Hale becomes long with the road open but the terrain usually not too bad. Up Hale Brook look out for side hill traversing above the brook, snowshoes need to be sharp.

Up Lafayette not easy IMO (it has features called the Agonies) but to get to the first view points, that would be easy.

IMO the Slide on East Osceola would disqualify it from easy
Osceolas not easy in winter since you have to approach from the steep north side. Hale's not bad if you x-country ski the road (ditto for Zealand). Tecumseh, Waumbek, and Pierce (do it with Eisenhower) are definately easy.

I would also add the Kinsmans to the "easy" list, if you approach via the Mt Kinsman trail. Moriah's not bad either.
Above Treeline

IMO anything above treeline (i.e. Moosilauke, Lafayette) is automatically disqualified from the easy winter peaks list especially if kids are involved. Unless you know you're going to have perfect conditions (and you never know that for sure), you shouldn't be doing them without full winter gear. Possible exceptions could be made for those that are just barely above treeline (e.g. Pierce) but you still have to be careful. My first winter *ascent* of Pierce was easy but turning around to descend I had a 45mph wind aimed right at me and a tricky time finding the trail back down (not all of my tracks survived the aforementioned wind).