Ed Viesturs Slide Show Tour - and BEERS


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Boston - yes...
Somerville - no...
The last time I was in Davis Square it was not a trendy hot spot...way before the Somerville Theater existed...
The late train sounds familiar...at the last beer blast SK and me watched the 7:10 train slowly but surely end up being the 10:35 train!!
I will be there around 5...probably will not go out after...
Just came across this... wife is away for work tomorrow night, so... what the heck.

I work/live near Davis, so I am headed over there to pick up a ticket after work. If anyone needs/wants a ticket let me know by 5:00 p.m. and I'll pick one up for you too.
Viesturs tonight

I'll post this in both places (Trips and Events too)

After e-mailing giggy I realized I will likely be the first on at Recbones tonight...I'll be there around 5PM. I have been told that "downstairs" is the place to be - so I will go there and try to get a decent size table for all of us to hang out at.

On another note...the tix and the Boston Globe say the show starts at 7:30PM...the theater website says 8:00PM...I called and got no info...if I learn anything else I will post.

See you tonight!
Great show!

I looked at the Burren but didn't find anyone - did you go elsewhere because of the cover?

Oh, and someone PM me as to who I owe for my fries and soda; I forgot to leave any money there when I went over to the theater. :eek: