Ever feel like you're being watched?


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sierra said:
Once I dropped down into the Wild river valley from Zeta pass and found myself relaxing on a log in the sun. I looked out and saw a rabbit watching me. He was aprox. 30 inches tall (sitting down) and had ears aprox. 12 inches long, he was a giant rabbit :eek: no one, even game wardens believe me, which is fine, Im being conservative in his size descriptions. I attempted to approach him (of coarse) and got within 10 ft before he bounded off.

Chip Do you care to comment on this observation??? Chip?

I guess a rabbit carried him off.
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Let's try to keep this one on topic for now, OK? Animal photos, great. Other stuff, not so much.
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carole said:
Can you see my observer?

I have a similar photo but in spruce trees the owl is a little harder to see n but it sure is loud in the eveningand at night . It However is well on the way to being fired for not removing it;s mole qouta . Moles have be killing plants I have by eating thier roots .
I have hada feeling some one was behinf me while hiking last year inCO Sure enough when I got above treeline intoa Alpine basin there was a young woamn who seemingly had the same idea to get up very early and take a photo Pryamid peak from 13,300 ft Bucksin Bench mark . sher was being quite in hopes of seeing wild life . thiswasat 3 AM !

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