Based on grouseking's summary, I didn't read the article. My BS detector is connected to my temper. I had a hard enough time with the quote from National Geographic. I'm glad I stopped subscribing years ago. They're still a benchmark for photography, but their text just gets more and more simplified, to the point where it becomes arrant nonsense. It's not easy explaining biology in simple language, but surely they can do better than this: "researchers found the genetic footprint of bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi in [Oetzi's] DNA". What's a "genetic footprint"?? I think they mean DNA. DNA is hardly an exotic word - they use it themselves in the same sentence. Researches found DNA from B. burgdorferi where? "in [Oetzi's] DNA". I doubt it. What they mean (my best guess) is that they found DNA sequences within tissues in his *body* (not within *his* DNA) that match the sequence for B. Burgdorferi.
However, I found this from a rather more scientifically literate source:
"Zink’s team has found hints that he was infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes lyme disease, however Zink says this conclusion is preliminary.... Zink says the analysis of Ötzi’s microbiome could keep his team busy for another year."
So we may not get details on what these hints were, until fall of 2012.