In Rembrance , July 2024
A recent article in the Colebrook Chronicle indicates a big expansion in cell service for the north country of NH. Up until this point cell coverage is very spotty to non existent substantially north of RT2 with almost none along RT 26. If you ever look at the cell coverage maps for the US that the various carriers will use in advertising, northern NH and westerly maine along the Canadian border are generally no coverage areas.
I expect that one of the drivers for this in addition to public safety is the rapidly expanding Ride the Wilds ATV trail network which is pulling in a lot of riders from all over. Of course the other one may be to support Northern Pass construction.
I expect that one of the drivers for this in addition to public safety is the rapidly expanding Ride the Wilds ATV trail network which is pulling in a lot of riders from all over. Of course the other one may be to support Northern Pass construction.