Exped Foam 9 Mattress


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Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Derwentwater, England via Hampstead,NH
In the market for a new mattress as my brittle old bones can't take a RidgeRest anymore. I was looking at the Thermarest Prolite 3 but Altrec are having a closeout sale on the Exped Foam 9 which sounds interesting (and almost half the price of the Prolite). I'd ultimately be using it all four seasons once I get the nerve up to camp in the winter. Anybody out there got one? Like it? Thanks for any input.
I don't know anything about the exp Foam 9, But I can tell you that the prolite 3 is a three season pad. You could use it in the winter if you put a closed cell under it. The prolite 4 is according to the Thermarest is suitable for four season use. I always use a closed cell under my thermarest in the winter, I find it helps keep me wamer. Actually can't wait for some winter overnights. Happy trails!
ripple said:
The prolite 4 is according to the Thermarest is suitable for four season use. I always use a closed cell under my thermarest in the winter, I find it helps keep me wamer. Actually can't wait for some winter overnights. Happy trails!
I also use a closed cell pad with my prolite 4. Not only is the extra insulation useful, but it saves you if the prolite springs a leak. (I wouldn't use any inflatable pad without a closed cell pad in winter.)

I'm impatiently waiting for the snow to return too...
