....for trip reports, yours would win the gold medal. Your perseverance on what turned out to be some long days always made me smile. I look forward to seeing on the trails again some day!
Not sure if I mentioned this anywhere before, but at some point, somewhere I had read that in conceiving the 4,000 footer list one of the considerations was that they could all be done as day hikes. So, I did them all as day hikes
I figured if I could do them all in a day pretty much anyone could. Plus, I've never backpacked so there was a whole bunch more gear to buy and skills to learn. Not that buying gear is a chore, although paying for it can be
Bob... glad I could show up and be a part of your celebration. Too bad my better half was sick and had to turn down. We both admire your courage greatly and look forward to seeing you on the trails more in the future.