Fitness Water

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As I said earlier is this thread, I'm generally opposed to buying bottled water. When I have, it's been when I've run into a gas station and want something cold with a flavor different from the (self-filtered, I don't want to take a chance) water I've been chugging all day but I don't want some drink that's fizzy and/or caffinated.

Sure, bottled water is a huge marketing scam... most things are these days. :( If someone has some research saying that sugar water is worse for your teeth than sugar water with acid, I'd love to see it. I would pick up the Sprite flavored water as opposed to the berry flavored water. :rolleyes:

If only it were OK for me to be drinking beer flavored water on my way home... :D
Double Bow said:
If only it were OK for me to be drinking beer flavored water on my way home... :D

It probably is. But the active ingredient in real beer can't be in it.

(I decline to comment on how drinking a concoction of that sort might be a second-rate experience. ;) )
