Foot problems

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Jan 9, 2005
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Derwentwater, England via Hampstead,NH
Over the last few hikes I've noticed that I'm starting to get sore patches on the soles of my feet, especially if I hike over about 9 miles or so. I think this may be due to more strain on my feet due to crampon and/or snowshoe use, especially when going downhill. Up until now my winter boots (Columbia Bugataboo's) have fitted fine and I've hiked many a mile in them. I was wondering if anybody has any advice or experience with some of the insoles I see for sale or if they use a particular powder or sock combo to help them with this problem. I use Smartwool liners with EuroSock hiking socks and this has worked for me very well up until this recent problem.

FWIW I just put a new pair of Superfeet (the green ones intended for winter use) in my Koflach Degrees and it has made a world of difference (for me). Pull out the insole of any boot and you will be amazed at how skimpy they are.

I was having the same problem as you on longer days and since sticking them in have done a 12 and 11 mile and not felt a thing. I also use Smartwools thick mountaineering sock.

Hope that helps - they are not cheap but you have to decide what is your price tag for comfort!
I usually wear orthodics made of plastic and a foam identical to the material used in inserts and on a couple of particularly wet hikes I found myself getting hot spots in a couple places on each foot. That NEVER happens to me!

I concluded that the moisture had caused the orthodics to swell just enough to result in a mis-fit that would have evetually led to blisters. Removing them solved my problem. Maybe this is happening with the inserts that come with the boots ... appropriate fit until it has had enough moisture and time to expand.
I have a pair of custom orthotics ( 300.00 ) that I use in my running shoes, and work boots for my flat feet that got worse while in the Marines. They just didn't fit right in any of my hiking boots by raising my heel higher and causing slippage. Just this season I discovered the Smartfeet footbeds
( 30.00 or so ). They don't feel as great on my feet as my custom orthotics, but are 10 times better than the footbeds that come stock with any boot or shoe. I have the green ones. They also sell a minty colored green one that is designed for cold weather as it has an outlast layer on it.

I also winter hike in Columbia boots ( Ice Fields ). IMHO I think that hiking a long time in these with crampons on will also add to any discomfort to the bottom of your feet because of the not so rigid soles these boots have, even with strap crampons. As much as I love the Columbia's and their price, next season I plan on upgrading to a better more solid boot. Tim

(Old fart tip) try putting duct tape on the problem spots before putting on your liner socks.

Sometimes it's the socks. I like to put a round of black electrician's tape round my ankle over my thick socks to prevent them from moving in my (especially plastic) boots when my feet get a little moist.

Hope this helps.

TJH, when you buy your next pair of boots bring your orthodic with you to get your best fit with it. It may be necessary or even preferable to remove the insole that comes with the boot ... but it is good form to make sure it's not glued in before removing it in the store. :eek:
I tried the green superfeet's and they did more damage than good. Be careful either way. The purple EMS footsoles for some reason do the job for me.

Stan: A note on moisture that I've found, especially with superfeet but also with a few other specialty insoles. When they get wet, your sock-clad foot won't "slide" on the bed at all, there's too much friction. So your foot will start sliding inside the sock instead. This could contribute to hot spots. (This is from years of experience with my wonderful custom superfeet in my ski boots. Once that foot comes out of the boot, that foot is not going back in unless the bed dries out. End of story. Found the same problem with my hiking superfeet until I tossed 'em for another reason.)
Thanks Stan,

I always bring my custom insoles when I'm getting any kind of new footwear. They fit perfect in a pair of Merrell Chameleon Ventilators that I got at EMS this summer. They're comfortable for three seaon but not waterproof. Their more like a hightop sneaker with a Vibram sole than a sturdy hiking boot like my all leather Asolo 535's I used to wear. I've yet to use them in really wet conditions.

There is also a self bakeable custom insole from Sole that I think will go for about 40.00 or so. I know mountain gear and REI has them. My theory on these are that they probably work great if you have no problems with your feet as they will mold around them. But my customs are designed to correct my blown arches. A home self bakeable insole would just mold around my bad feet and what good is that. I know Ed Viesturs uses them, or at least is a pitch man for them; but what does he know about climbing. :)
They work!

Bought the Superfeet insoles then did the Southern Presidential traverse with Kevin, Brutus & friends this weekend - all "hotspots" on the soles of my feet gone! I love easy solutions.... Thanks for all the feedback.
I just bought some superfeet (green) and they seem to be working out. I had $300 custom rigid orthotics that cause me nothing but major pain.They have been adjusted numerous times and all to no avail. They aggravated my post tibial tendinitis to the point the I could hardly walk when I got out of work and was in major pain when hiking.
I had to add a piece of foam to my superfeet to relieve the pressure from the ball of my left foot and I can now walk pain free. First time in 13 months.
I like them so much I went and bought a second pair.
What a find this was. Thanks to all who recommended them.
Orsonab said:
Bought the Superfeet insoles then did the Southern Presidential traverse with Kevin, Brutus & friends this weekend .

Does Brutus recommend them or does he just have "superfeet"??? :D