Sorry all, was offline a couple of days. Yes Bethlehem is about 60 miles Due East of Centralia\. Centralia is a pretty wild place to visit. While you are at it. Stop in on the AT and enjoy some sections of the trail between here and Eckville. (PM me for a shuttle in this area
There are still huge cracks in the earth in Centralia where smoke and acrid fumes burp up from the coal fires below. Yo can walk on the old highway and see where the huge cracks go across and it drops out in sections. I started to drive down it (over the dirt barrier) but chickened out about a mile down the road, after seeing signs of smoke coming out of the ground on either side.
Anyways, I don't know if they are sure - right now "authorities" are saying they think our fires could be cigarettes, but did not rule out arson/vandalism.
Dax, thank for the thought, I only ride my road bikes now. I never caught the mountain biking craze, although I had one for a number of years to ride the old canal paths and railways around here (Up by Adam on Pine Creek between Slate Run and Ansonia being one of my most favorite rails trails)
I do want to take the baby and 7 year old and explore the R/T further south of Slate Run at some point this summer. I have heard it is nice. Course I also got one of the boats out a month ago, cleaned it up and put the racks on the truck. Boat has now been sitting in the garage for a month -I simply cannot find time to get out and do anything lately.