Franconia Ridge Traverse, 3/21/2009

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Oct 21, 2008
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6:00am - Given my proclivity for later starts, I found it both strange and slightly bemusing to be driving north at such an early hour... and in the dark, nonetheless. However, the thought of attempting a full Franconia Ridge Traverse had me so dreadfully excited that I didn't find it difficult at all to stay awake. 2 Red Bulls + 1 medium coffee = a record minimum for this girl.

After spotting cars at Lincoln Woods and the Old Bridle Path trailhead, we were off! Never having taken the Skookumchuck trail before, I was found myself full of energy and eager to explore the new terrain. Much to my surprise, only scant patches of snow remained at the lower elevations, though the cover increased as we made started to ascend. Of course, with that oh-so-wonderful, firm, microspikeable, deep snowpack came the BRANCHES... awful, annoying little devils that would catch my ice axe and pack straps at every possible opportunity. By the time we reached the Garfield Ridge trail junction, I was utterly exasparated and more than happy to have finally reached treeline.

Up, up, up we went, continuing on to North Lafayette - a mixture of hard-packed snow, ice, and bare rock. Crampons? Nahhhh.

What a gorgeous day it was - barely a breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. I was insanely hyper, and rapidly bounded towards the summit, stopping on occasion to snap a picture here and there:

I must have looked like a right nut, jogging right up to Lafayette with a frightening grin on my face. Hopping around from rock to rock, I was pleased to bump into my friends Earl and Sue, both of whom were also traversing the ridge on this fine day. After taking a few customary summit shots, we were on our way again.

The journey over to Lincoln was remarkably fast, and made even more wonderful by the constant, fantastic views of my absolute favorite mountain. Reaching the col, I was delighted to encounter Boo and Madhatter, both of whom I'd not yet had the pleasure of meeting...

Onwards we went, Liberty and Flume so tantalizingly close...

The winds picked up slightly as we reached Little Haystack, though this was not at all worrisome seeing as we'd soon be leaving treeline behind us...

Between Little Haystack and Liberty - more evil branches. I became ever so slightly irritated and refrained from taking pictures. But of course, upon reaching the summit itself my frustration quickly abated. The views towards Washington were just marvelous, and we only had one more peak to go.

Flume was the windiest summit of them all, and we didn't linger there for very long. Nonetheless, it was incredible to look back and see just how far we'd traveled during the course of the day...

...and down the Osseo trail we went. Whilst the snow had softened slightly under the harsh rays of the sun, our snowshoes (fortunately) remained on our pack - unused - for the entire descent. We reached Lincoln Woods feeling strong and more than satisfied after one heck of an awesome hike. What a perfect day for my first full traverse of Franconia Ridge.

More pictures here.


1. I got to wear tights.
2. Four new pictures for my special collection
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Gorgeous, gorgeous photos, Larisa. Glad you had such a nice time up there. Am very much looking forward to doing Lafayette and Lincoln! Your pictures seem to show Franconia Ridge in all its glory.
Nice TR and pics! I did the exact same hike the weekend before and in the same weather (only in the opposite direction). I try to do this hike at least once a year due to the "sweetness factor". Based on your pictures, there is a lot less snow from a week ago!

I love the open woods of both the Osseo and the Skookumchuk Trails, which are so beautiful, and yet painfull in winter with low lying branches.. The ridge itself is about as good as it gets this side of the Rockies (outside of Katahdin).

Not many hikes compare to this, and it only being a 2 hour drive from my house just adds to the sweetness...
Thank you to all for your kind words. I don't often post responses to my trip reports, but I thought I'd make an exception this time. Although I might not be the best of writers, I do very much enjoy looking back on my hikes and sharing my adventures with others. :)

I am a huge advocate of Red Bull! :D
I wish it were lighter so I could bring it on my multiday adventures!

Another Red Bull addict in our midst? This is most exciting. I propose that we start a VFTT group... ;)

Am very much looking forward to doing Lafayette and Lincoln! Your pictures seem to show Franconia Ridge in all its glory.

The Lafayette/Lincoln loop is one of my favorite hikes. If possible, try to do it on a non-weekend day, when the ridge is less likely to be crowded. I know Alex will love it. Of course, if you're looking for a hiking buddy to tag along, you know who to PM... :rolleyes:

Nice trip report, Larisa.

Thanks. It's great to know that I can stockpile Red Bull if I ever happen to go backpacking!

Larisa, ever heard of this stuff? If you ever try it, well, I apologize in advance to your hiking partners ;)

Ah, if only you realized just how high my caffeine tolerance is at this point. That stuff certainly sounds crazy, though!

Wow...that looks like a really cool traverse!!! How many miles, total for this? I bet hubby would love to do this!!!

15.6 miles and a little over 5,000 feet of vertical. You must do it! :D

That snow looks to be fading reeeeal quick up likey! Me Likey very much!

...and to think that the ridge looked like this when I was up there last:

Nice TR and pics! I did the exact same hike the weekend before and in the same weather (only in the opposite direction). I try to do this hike at least once a year due to the "sweetness factor". Based on your pictures, there is a lot less snow from a week ago!

I love the open woods of both the Osseo and the Skookumchuk Trails, which are so beautiful, and yet painfull in winter with low lying branches.. The ridge itself is about as good as it gets this side of the Rockies (outside of Katahdin).

Not many hikes compare to this, and it only being a 2 hour drive from my house just adds to the sweetness...

I fully agree. There's something about Franconia Ridge that really resonates with me - I've done the Lafayette/Lincoln loop five times since I started hiking back in summer 2007... but now that I've done the full traverse... I can't wait to head up there again.

"The Ridge" rules; nice TR and photos, LRiz.

Thank you! Franconia Ridge is hard to top, in my opinion. :)
Excellent TR and pics! Beautiful! Thanks for posting trail conditions.

What's you guestimate of the elevation where there was no more bare ground on the slopes off trail?

happy trails :)
I try to do this hike at least once a year due to the "sweetness factor". Based on your pictures, there is a lot less snow from a week ago!


Agreed! I love this traverse -- its got a bit of everything and its so easy to get to. I've hiked it in all seasons except spring. :)

Great TR, Rizzy. Glad to see you are enjoying your Red Bulls in moderation this week! ;)
Excellent TR and pics! Beautiful! Thanks for posting trail conditions.

What's you guestimate of the elevation where there was no more bare ground on the slopes off trail?

happy trails :)

Thanks! I'm quite dreadful when it comes to estimating elvation - but the snow started picking up within the first mile or so? Perhaps Cath could help me out... ;)

Great TR, Rizzy. Glad to see you are enjoying your Red Bulls in moderation this week! ;)

I am certainly in recovery - seriously, I did an entire hike without a single Red Bull the next day!

Super hiker, photographer, and writer . . . quite a combo! Loved your TR, as always!

You flatter me... :)