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New member
Jan 16, 2004
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Flyin Thru The Night :-)
Something to chase the boredom. To the first one who can guess where in the White Mountain National Forest my signature line (a quote from Thoreau) is posted! Hint - Waumbek should know this one since it is not too far from where he lives. Limit one guess per poster. No googling allowed!!!:D :D :D
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Ooooh, gooood guess - but wrong. No soup for you! I'd give ya a blue square if I could. :D :D :D

PS - another classy avatar, KILLER pic!
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And ... the winner is (drum roll) ...


Well done amigo! :D :D :D

Tho, IIRC, it is actually in the Lost River network.

Thought it might be harder since it's not really on a trail, unless you are going up the cliff trail behind Lost River.
thought I saw it on the way out near the entrance

yeah, yeah, i'm with ya. but that still puts it inside the "complex" dont it? gotta a pic somwhere, from waaaay back. just luuuuved that quote, all the more so since i'm an eeeeearly riser...

hey i just got a blue square!!! yippee!!! i luv gettin blues (only second one i got) dont really know what they mean, just like the way they look! hehe!! :D :D :D
Gris said:
Hint - Waumbek should know this one since it is not too far from where he lives.
I want to know why everyone assumes 'waumbek' is a "he". I beg to differ. :rolleyes: