G10 antibots


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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
I just got the antibot for my new G10s and looking at it, it doesn't look like one could install it unless you take the front points off from the rear ones, right? Do any of you find them that useful? I have 6 pts and only have some minor problems with wet snow. I have more problems with my snowshoes but how bad are 10pt crampons with the wet snow? I would think carrying some non-stick spray might work just as good on boot soles as they do on my snowshoes.


You can always improvise & make some out of an old plastic milk carton & put them on with some good old duct tape. Try it, you just might like it & the price is right & can be done over & over if needed.
Well, I got the Grivel one for free. I don't see how useful it is if you have to disassemble the whole thing to put it on. I'm thinking (if it's even necessary) to just clip off those 4 clips that go around the bar and just use a twist tie or a ziptie and then tie that around the antibot and the bar. Cause I can attach all the other hooks without disassembly except for the 4 center ones...

Still I don't know any of you G10 users, do you ever use the Antibot or something similar?

Don't know how much differnt the G10's are from the G12's (I know - two points!) but I had no trouble fitting the anti-bots to mine.

Assuming you got the Grivel ones there are two bots to each crampon. The front has two loops that hook over the front points then you have to muscle the two rear side clips on. To fit the rear bots I found it easiest to start by sliding the end under the rear bale pivot ends and getting the slot over the metal lip then heaving the rear clip over the end and finally the side clips.

Didn't have to disassemble anything.

Do they work? Oh yeah! Nothing finer than seeing little balls of snow popping off as you walk. What a simple idea. Those little bubbles of rubber compress with each step then push off the snow as you lift your foot. Brilliant!

Hey Bob (Are you related to Spongebob? :) ), I don't know if the antibots for the g12 are different than the G10, but in addition to the hooks that clip to the front points and the ones on the rear, the center strip on the G10 antibot has 4 hooks that clip to the attachment bar that connects the two points together. Yeah, I can get all the other hooks on without disassembly because there is enough material to stretch it but the thin pad that connects the two ends is not enough for me to hook them. Now if Grivel made the hooks such that they could swivel I could probably attach them. Which is another idea of mine but something that I don't think is financially worth it. (not only would I have to find a swivel hook that match it, I would have to figure out how to sew it to the antibot.)

There are a lot of Bobs in the VFTT family :)

From your description it sounds as though you have a one-piece antibott, the ones for G10/G12s look the same to me and are two pieces.

Check out the Grivel web site and click the link at left for crampons, then the link to antibotts. There are images of all the antibotts for each model of crampon.

I guess I'll call you H-bob and I'll call Adrian S-bob. :)

I just checked out Grivel's website and it looks like they sent me the G14 antibot. That's what I have I think. I'll have to contact Summithaus about that... Thanks, the paper insert that came with it actually says G10 on it. perhaps this is a mistake by Grivel itself?

[edit - OK, got a reply from the SH folks, the one I got is last year's Antibot even though it looks like the one that is this year's G14 antibot. The yellow two piece one that is on Grivel's website, according to SH, is this year's antibot. So, Sh is going to see if he can scrounge up some of this year's antibot and I'll get those too, I presume.

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