Galehead to Mt Garfield 6/21

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Jun 13, 2013
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Hey there everyone. VFTT rookie here. Figured I would throw out a quick trip report on my 9th and 10th 4000 footers as I work on NH's 48. I was able to get in a nice 6 hour loop to Galehead's Summit then a quick run over to Garfield where I spent easily a half hour enjoying lunch and IMO one of my favorite views, thus far, over the pemi wilderness to my next peak goals.

Galehead River Tr to Frost Tr to Garfield Ridge Tr to Garfield Tr to FR92

Galehead River Tr was a great run all though a bit muddy. The trail crew has done excellent work (Much thanks to all involved) with the various blow downs we have had in the last few seasons. After a few miles the trail steepens and allowed for a slower pace to take a break and enjoy the woods. I quickly ascended past the hut to the rock pile summit and snapped a few pics at Galeheads outlook. After stopping in and refilling a little water I was off to Garfield. Garfield ridge trail was filled with ups and downs..some pretty steep sections making me glad I did not bring my four legged companion with me this time..just a note. I met some great people along the way to my next summit. I was just amazed by the view..even after multiple times on Washington, Garfield offered an unbelievable view of our vast wilderness and Owl's head was just amazing sitting there by its lonesome. From there it was a long 4.8 run back to the road. Anyhow great trip. Many more to come. Hopefully everyone was able to enjoy a great weekend..minus the quick rain showers.
Welcome to Views. Garfield's one of my favorite hikes/views also.

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