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* Antennas that are within a few wavelengths of each other can distort their patterns (gain vs angle of arrival of the radio wave). The wavelenth of GPS signals is 19cm.Not what I would expect from a device that's a receiver, not a broadcaster. Why is this?
* Close antennas can strongly couple signals between each other.
* A GPS receiver is not an intentional transmitter, but it uses a number of radio frequencies internally all of which leak to some degree--every wire is an antenna. (Some of this leakage is very detectable in some of the older Garmin models near 148MHz, don't know about the newer ones.) These leaking signals can potentially interfere with other GPS receivers (or aircraft avionics...). It may not take much power to cause interference--standard radio receivers can detect signals of less than a millionth-millionth of a watt and GPS signals are even weaker.