Gear when you travel

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Wrap and pad them, and put them in the center of the checked luggage bag.
With sharp points and edges, I like to enclose them with clothing so they can't be damaged or do damage.
We're heading out west too and had the same question. In the end, we are going to ship our questionable gear a week in advance just to make sure we don't have problems at the airport.
Here is a TSA link that has lists of acceptable items (thanks to another thread). Ice axes are fine but it doesn't mention crampons. Your stove might be a bigger problem (we're also shipping ours plus the empty fuel bottles).
Good luck and hope this helps,
The TSA doesn't have a problem with having sharp objects being packed in your checked bags, but they do have a problem with flammable stuff like like stoves and cannisters, which will likely set off the baggage scanners. I wouldn't worry about crampons, ice axes, a machete, or even some Ginzu knives, if that is what you have packed for checked luggage. Definitely mail out your fuel bottles (and stove) in advance, but if you clean your stove REALLY well you might get it thru (they confiscated mine coming back from Alaska last June) :mad:

Now carry on luggage is another story.... :eek: