Get ready for Rescue Fees to be back in the news

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
The rescue fee fell out of the news of late as the NH governors proposed budget had included fully funding S&R. This was assuming the casino bill was passed. With that off the table, the state is gong have to come up with revenue to make up for the 100 million casino licensing fee that had included in the revenue stream. Given the upcoming holiday weekends (memorial day and July 4th), I wonder if some high profile rescues and associated charges may make it on the news?
Maybe the best way to deal with the Fish and Game, S&R budget short fall ( short of being alert and planning for the unthinkable) is to plan a hike, get the latest forecast (in print), carry a GUMMIT generated map, an accurate compass, and get lost, because the trails are not maintained. We support these people with our tax dollars. If they don't want to do the job then send them back to raising trout for the anglers and let the volunteers deal with those that need rescue. Since they don't get all the life long benefits, the cost will drop significantly. I have tried to make this a non-political rant.
We support these people with our tax dollars. If they don't want to do the job then send them back to raising trout for the anglers and let the volunteers deal with those that need rescue.

This statement is so far from the truth you'd have to be flying in your airplane to see the truth from where you are. Fish and Game has NEVER indicated it doesn't want to do the job. It's the deficiencies of the current funding mechanism that gives them headaches. And if you'd actually worked alongside them in the field on SAR missions, or benefitted from their services as a recipient or the relative of a recipient, you'd NEVER make such a statement.
I agree with sardog1, the NH fish and game does everything they can and more in spite of their short funding. Ive met a lot of these guys and they will do everything they can to rescue someone anytime in any conditions. They are at the mercy of the budgeteers in Concord. Oh and to another poster in front of me, the license fee for the casino was 80 mil, not 100 mil.