Gimps on Garfield

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2005
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Bedford, MA; Avatar: eggs anyone?
1 Aug 2008

Gris and I hiked Garfield via the Garfield Trail. It was warm and humid, there were only a few mud ponds on the trail, and the stream crossings were doable by rock hopping. There was one large blowdown low in the switchbacks (chain saw req).

Reached the top in 20 min under book time(!). The views were pretty good considering that it was a bit hazy with scattered clouds above. We gawked, took a few pictures, ate lunch, and headed down. When we got just below the switchbacks, one of the aforementioned clouds decided to dump on us. It didn't last very long and the sun was out before we reached the cars.

A pleasant time was had by all.

Your first trip report on the site in a while! Good to see you hiking 4k's! Any pictures?

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
Your first trip report on the site in a while!
Close--I reported an ascent Puzzle Mtn in the Bearly Live TR thread.

But I didn't report 6mi and 1300 vert feet in the Berkshires two weeks ago.

Good to see you hiking 4k's! Any pictures?
Thanks--Garfield is one of the easier ones, but easy or hard, it still felt good. I was even functional enough to mow the lawn today with a push mower! (Yeah--I was surprised too, but I did need a nap afterward...)

I took a few summit view pics--I'll post them soon.

BTW, Gris deserves some extra credit too--his back was hurting.

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Dave Bear said:
Doug and Gris, Glad you both had a nice safe hike and found a dry spell on a nice summit! Pretty tough to get a whole hike in without getting "dumped on" lately! ;)
I'll admit that I was wondering if I should start carrying a snorkel... :)

Friday was a seemingly rare dryish day. Last weekend at BL was another miracle.

Doug, we BOUGHT that weekend weather by practicing in the rain all day Thursday! :D
The pics are up:

Conditions were a bit hazy, so the views weren't as good as they could have been, but the cloud line was above us and the rain waited until we were on the way down.

The pics were taken with my SD800 (28mm wide angle lens). Would have been nice to have my DSLR (16mm wide angle lens), but I was traveling lightish.


My first time on Gaahfield - wow, what a GREAT summit, a true island in the sky... :D

Pleasure to hike w/ DP. I always learn sumthin new (for me) when i hang w/ that dude!
Nice work, both of you! Doug, I hope Gris didn't slow you down too much; he tends to go off into these musical reveries sometimes! :D
Mad Townie said:
I hope Gris didn't slow you down too much; he tends to go off into these musical reveries sometimes! :D
No, he didn't this time, but he did delay our start by needing some pole maintenance. I was the leg gimp, and he was the pole gimp...

Besides, we didn't have a 5 mi long power cord.


Fri i was sore from digging water bars on a very rocky mtn road and bushwhacking all day the day before, but the diesel got warmed up after a while. we actually kept a very compatible pace except for the last little steeper part, that was the only place where DP still has a bit more catching up/rehabbing to do. his leg strength will come though...

now, today the Grister is mucho stiff/sore. mostly on a account of a grueling tennis battle royale Saturday a.m. sandwiched in between, a few other hikes, luggin tables and chairs up a mountain for big party Sat night and then late night revelry, followed by midnight drive to MHT and back, then EARLY hike, etc., etc...:D
Gris said:
Fri i was sore from digging water bars on a very rocky mtn road and bushwhacking all day the day before, but the diesel got warmed up after a while. we actually kept a very compatible pace except for the last little steeper part, that was the only place where DP still has a bit more catching up/rehabbing to do. his leg strength will come though...
Takes me about a mile to get the bad leg warmed up. I agree that our paces were very compatible on the way up until the final steep spot, but you were generally faster on the way down. (I still can't walk as fast on the level as I used to: 3.3-3.5mph vs 3.8-3.9mph.)

The leg did get a bit tired toward the top and rubbery (it wanted to buckle a few times) on the lower part of the way down. It will presumably take a bit more time and work to build the strength and endurance. In the mean time, I just have to stick to easier hikes with adequate rest periods between them. (I just got back from one of my local hill walks with 40 lbs on my back. Definitely not fully recovered from Friday...)

It was still nice to get out--big hikes or smaller ones.

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DougPaul said:
you were generally faster on the way down.

As you may recall sir, part of that was due to me speeding up to stay warm in the rain - since I chose to do it more or less topless...

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