Glacier Glasses

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Sep 4, 2003
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On the beach Triavalon race
I am looking for prescription glacier glasses. Has anyone heard of a company called Opticus? They have a large selection of glasses and seem to be knowlegable. I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with them discussing my prescription and asking for recommendations. This is cost some $$ so I don't want to get ripped off.
I had a pair of glacier glasses that I hiked and skied with. Not sure of the brand. Although I did like them, the leather side piece snapped off and I can not find a replacement. I have since switched to a fixed side piece pair of glasses for both skiing and hiking.

As you are undoubtedly aware, prescription glasses cost way too much.
Several years ago I went to REI and bought a pair of nylon framed glacier glasses that I liked. They look a little goofy because of the large lense and leather cups, but they give me a great field of vision and keep the wind out of my eyes. I have used them for everything from climbing to skiing (they worked great this past skiing in high winds at Mt. Attitash). I brought them to my local optometrist and had him put prescription lenses in the frames for maybe $100. I did the same thing last year for a pair of casual sun glasses; I bought a pair of Bolle's cheap off Sierra (less than $30) and had prescription lenses put in for around $125. There's no problem as long as there is not too much curve to the lense.

I just checked at REI, they have a very similar pair of glasses to what I have been using for last 7-10 years
everything i've heard about opticus is very good, they are the place to go for perscription glacier glasses.