Why are the sandpit guys bad?Because they ruined some "rich" kids view?Just a little confused here....I thought people who fly planes around all day are "rich" kids?The opposition to the northern pass seems to indicate not all rich kids control their reps in Concord.....And why all the energy directed towards pics of sandpits!How about some pics of mountains from the air?
Besides a comparison of google earth and pics by local pilots is this discussion not better suited for some a.c.l.u. board?Going after the logging industry in nh seems as silly to me as telling people not to have eggs in the morning!I have known many loggers in my lifetime and they are just simple and very hard working folks.
Trail Bandit,I am glad you made it ok after that upside down landing

[guessing you landed right side up and then got blown over].Do you have any pics of the whites from the air?