Help... bear canister too big

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While going through my hiking gear this weekend I packed my Golite Race pack with a weekends worth of gear. This included my new BearVault BV250 Solo. The canister fit right inside my pack and with my Ridge Rest sleeping pad rapped around it I couldn’t even feel the hard plastic inside my pack. All my other gear fit fine inside my pack and I even had a little room left over, not much but some. I barely noticed the weight difference as well.
Well... I finally used my BV250 (Solo). I crammed my sleeping bag in the canister as much as possible. Ended up with about 2/3 of the bag in the canister. I then placed the bag/canister upside down in my pack, and placed the cover on top of the canister bottom. It worked quite well.

I was able to get the bag, bivy sack, canister, two days of food, rock shoes, water filter, first aid kit, change of clothes, bivy sack, and 1.25 gallons of water in/on my pack. With a little more thought, I may have been able to fit my stove.

Being able to cram the bag in the canister made up for the canister's rigidness. So... I'm happy again. You can all stop worrying now :)
Lashing it outside

If you want to lash a bear canister outside your pack, get some old bicycle inner tubes and bungi cords. Cut the tub into 6-10 inch lengths, and run teh bungi cords through the tube.

Wash the tube with soap and water first. Clean rubber is stickier.
rico said:
Well... I finally used my BV250 (Solo). I crammed my sleeping bag in the canister as much as possible. Ended up with about 2/3 of the bag in the canister. I then placed the bag/canister upside down in my pack, and placed the cover on top of the canister bottom. It worked quite well.
Putting non-food items in the canister along with food will get food odors on the non-food gear. Perhaps not the best idea for a sleeping bag...
