I was saddened this morning when I read the first scant news about this accident. More has been released as the day has gone by.
The last time I climbed Precipice Trail was almost exactly 25 years ago ( our first wedding anniversary, 7/27) , and prior to that last adventure, probably a dozen times in my mid and late twenties. I loved the Full Throat Grip Trip.... up Precipice over the ridge, down to the Tarn, up and over Beehive, grab a quick dip at Sand Beach.
I can envision EXACTLY where she went over the side, to fall and land on a ledge below, and it gives me chills. UGH.
Even more this evening on the Bangor Daily News Website. Kudos to the Rescue crews. Kudos to Life Flight......... 3 touchdowns of their Bangor helicopter on the summit of Champlain over the course of the mission, not only to treat/evacuate the patient but to assist SAR with placement, insertion of personnel, and equipment.
Champlain may be a small mountain in elevation, but the Precipice Trail is NOT EVER to be trivialized. Don't even think about it if there has been recent rain, or even a few days of a salt saturated Atlantic Fog Mull. All rocks are greasy when wet, but I've been convinced for a LOTTA years that Acadia has it's own special brand of rock grease. Treacherous.
RIP Shirley Ladd. You almost reached THAT TOP on foot, and now you are one with the Universe.