What I should have mentioned in my previous post is the fact that I am not the kind of person who makes it a habit of "preaching" to people I meet on the trail. It just seems condescending and patronizing, and I rarely say anything unless I feel really uneasy about a situation. This was a friendly encounter, and with the impending forecast, we were genuinely worried for this man.
All this talk of "proper gear"...
I have been hiking, backpacking, skiing, running, etc., etc., for almost 30 years, and I have found NOTHING that is truly waterproof, at least not for long. A rubber raincoat perhaps, but you'd better not sweat! Cold rain is THE worst--I refer to it as Death Weather--but perhaps one has to experience it before she/he GETS it. The weather was not a fluke. Cold continuous rain on the 22nd was forecasted for days.
Post #39: I think the route that he was unfamiliar with was the Black Pond BW, not a trail or described in the AMC guide, and not his intended route, but their route as they related it to him?
Post #40: He knew the trails he wanted to use but when advised of the problem crossings and the BP bushwhack was discussed he did not know about it. Being familiar with bushwhacks is probably not very common to hikers outside of those who belong to forums like VFTT (i.e. experienced hikers).
The bushwhack routes to avoid the big river crossings ARE, in fact, mentioned in the White Mountain Guide and have been mentioned going back, in my collection, to the 24th (1987) edition, Gene Daniell admittedly being a bit more wordy than Steve Smith.
In the current 29th edition, it is mentioned on page 203, in the Lincoln Brook Trail description.
Post #20: I'm curious, why would the SPOT add to the uneasiness you felt?
Sierra and Nartreb pretty much summed it up in Posts #21 and 29. My intent was not to get into a pro-con debate on the merits of SPOT/PLB devices. That topic is worthy of a separate thread. But for further reading on point,
Backwoods Ethics and
Wilderness Ethics by the Watermans (dated but new additions coming soon!) provide some food for thought. As well, I ran across this interesting article
http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/aug/20/adventure-spot-gps-safety-hiking which provides some thoughtful commentary.)