Hiker Rescued from Valley Way Trail


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Low & Burbank’s Grant, NH – A hiker was rescued from the Valley Way Trail Thursday evening after getting lost off trail and losing his boot.

The main question that I have is did he lose his boot while post-holing off trail while carrying snowshoes on his pack? See the Moosilauke thread for more on bare-boot post-holing and whether wearing snowshoes on one’s feet is easier than carrying snowshoes on one’s back, in which the jury here appears split. 🙂
The main question that I have is did he lose his boot while post-holing off trail while carrying snowshoes on his pack? See the Moosilauke thread for more on bare-boot post-holing and whether wearing snowshoes on one’s feet is easier than carrying snowshoes on one’s back, in which the jury here appears split. 🙂

I would like to hear more about the boot failure, which started at Mad hut it sounded like.
Splitting of the group is almost always a bad idea, and it certainly seemed the case here. I can't imagine myself in a situation where one of the people I was hiking with was having an issue and I'd decide that the rest of us just leave them behind alone and head out. IMO more evidence that just because you are in a group does not mean it is always safer than hiking alone. In many cases it can be worse.
I agree - it's almost always a bad idea. What we have to take into consideration is their age - 17? or so? It's unlikely they've had any exposure/training on what to do in such an emergency. And the prefrontal cortex hasn't developed to the point where they can make competent decisions in these situations. Attempting a winter Presi traverse with 3 people?
I admit I am prejudiced on some subjects, but I had to reread this three times before I understood you meant splitting the group is almost always a bad idea, not hiking with a group is almost always a bad idea :)
I admit I am prejudiced on some subjects, but I had to reread this three times before I understood you meant splitting the group is almost always a bad idea, not hiking with a group is almost always a bad idea :)
I'm still not sure what "attempting a winter Presi traverse with 3 people?" means. Is there something wrong with that? Or am I reading it wrong.
I would like to hear more about the boot failure, which started at Mad hut it sounded like.
I wonder if the boots might have BOA closures, I’ve had 2 malfunction on snowshoes in the past 10 years. On a times worn or miles traveled basis it’s a statistically insignificant number, but that doesn’t mean much when it does happen. I kept a spare kit for my old BOA snowshoes (Louis Garneau) with the proper Allen wrench in my first aid kit but I don’t know if it’ll work with my current Atlases. I should find out!
I admit I am prejudiced on some subjects, but I had to reread this three times before I understood you meant splitting the group is almost always a bad idea, not hiking with a group is almost always a bad idea :)
Depending on the group, sometimes the reverse is true....:p