Hikers beware


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Pete_Hickey said:
That story was used by a water filter company several (6-7) years ago. I wonder how it helped with their sales? Was it Sweetwater?

What pore size do you need to guarantee filtering out all leeches?
Will a charcoal filter remove the leech taste?

Inquiring minds need to know...


I heard a few horror stories about the things in the water in Nepal during my SOLO WFA course.

So, I avoid the water when I'm in third world countries like Nepal, and China. On a recent trip to China, it was really hot and we were hiking in the Nankunshan mountains. My partner, a non hiker took off his shoes and waded in cool the water. I did recommend that he not go in the water though I wanted to myself. I choose to rock hop and continue sweating profusely. Back at work the next day, he was broken out with poison ivy like blisters all over his legs. So bad he had to go to the dr.

I know he was cursing me under his breath for bringing him hiking.

DougPaul said:
Any idea what the cause was?


Not sure but he wore long pants (that he rolled up when wading) as did I and we walked the same route on the trails. Also the sores were limited to the area of his legs that were in the water. So I speculate that he was not afflicted while walking but rather while wading.