Hiking from the summit of Washington....


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Well now...

I didn't expect there to be this much discussion on the subject. The reason for the thread was to ask about the validity of hiking from Washington to Adams from the summit, and wondering if it counted according to AMC...or from other trailheads along the auto road, like the Alpine Garden to Isolation. Within a couple hours, I found the link several have posted, and realized I can't.

I wasn't trying to stir things up, but I guess it shows how passionate we are about structured rules vs following the beat of our own drum. I am bummed that it doesn't count from the auto road, because I was seriously considering heading over to Isolation from Alpine Garden next year. Its "only" 12 miles and if I got an early enough start, I think it would be a memorable hike. But I have followed the rules for the 36/48 I have completed, so I might as well see it through, at least for consistency sake. Maybe some other time....
If you’ve already climbed Isolation once, you don’t have to worry about whether or not it counts. It’s always been my understanding that the FTFC doesn’t care about subsequent rounds of the peaks. I suppose someone somewhere might object if you were to someday make some extraordinary claim about the number of times you’ve climbed the mountain, but I think it is up to you to decide how pure you want Rounds Two to Infinity to be. What, is Ed Hawkins going to say you owe him an Isolation?

Go ahead and do it, and put an asterisk next to it, then everybody will be happy.
Yes really....like I posted...it goes both ways. I never saw the need for a patch!

I agree with 100%, since I got the 4k patch I have lost count on all my ascents over the years and have since climbed whatever made me happy at that time. If you never wanted the patch, thats cool, the summits you collect will make it all worthwhile patch or not.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do ..."

I didn't expect there to be this much discussion on the subject.
You should be really happy this thread drew this much interest on such a potential "hot button" subject, grouseking.

Whatever lists you've working on (AMC 4000s, 100 highest ..., TW72, CAT3500, ADK46), I believe if you're expecting to be recognized by a particular group at completion, then one should definitely abide by the qualifying regulations. For the more expanded lists, like NE451, Northeast 770, ... POU ("Peaks of the Universe"), these require a more "common sense" approach. There are no specified rules. Many of these have accessibility challenges both in long back country distance traveled and land ownership issues.