Hiking in Quebec?


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Mar 29, 2005
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I'd like to do some hiking in Quebec, more specifically in the Parc national du Mont-Mégantic (Mt. Megantic) area. I'll be going up in July. I have few questions:

1. In general, how is the hiking in this region?

2. Does Quebec use any type of blazing system? How well marked are trails in this area?

3. I know after June 1st that some of the requirements for crossing the border are going to change and I found some info on various websites. I'm wondering if I can still get back into the U.S. with my driver's license and (retired) military ID. From what I've read it sounds as though I can but will be retained for a bit at the border (no biggie), I'll have my family with me and sounds like my son (5 y.o.) will be able to get back in with just his birth certificate. Is all of this accurate?

I know after June 1st that some of the requirements for crossing the border are going to change and I found some info on various websites. I'm wondering if I can still get back into the U.S. with my driver's license and (retired) military ID.
If you think about it...... Do you think that they would keep you out forever because you didn't have your papers?..... Man Without a Country....They can make things tough for you, though, making you wait for a long time.

However, you may have a problem getting into Canada. They MAY not let you in because you don't have the proper documentation to return home.
We're taking care of it BEFORE we go. It's just not worth the hassles. They stopped me once and searched my entire car, for no apparent reason, returning to the USA. That's nothing though, I've heard a few horror stories...
Be carefull, coming back THEY might take your Tim Hortons...
Oncoman and I did some hiking there a few years back including the major peaks. This report (including driving directions) might be helpful: Megantic Report

We stayed in a fairly reasonable motel in Woburn PQ, about 5 miles from the Rt. 27 (Coburn Gore, ME) border crossing. The park is about 10 miles further along Rt. 212. Incidentally, I assume you know Boundary Peak (NE Hundred Highest) and the nearby Mont Gosford are in the neighborhood and worth a visit if you have not yet visited them.

There are also a number of other peaks, mostly along the border, mentioned in the overall report of which the above is a part. We did some hiking on both sides of the border, meeting up with OneStep after a couple of days.

See also this VFTT thread: https://www.vftt.org/index.php?threads/13509/ which covers the same trip.
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You most definately want to check out the Parc's website:

Website: http://www.sepaq.com/pq/mme/en/
Map: http://www.sepaq.com/resources/pdfs/fr/MMEcarteSentiers.pdf

A great loop worth doing is, from the parking:

Heading up towards Mt St-Joseph you climb on the circular ridge that surrounds the mtn, then head to Victoria summit (still on the ridge). Head down from the ridge towards the central cone then head towards Andromède, then Pléiades then Petite-Ourse and back to the parking.
