Nice image of your great looking freind!
It would be easier and beneficial to shoot it again...many times in fact. He's always around so practice with him. This can teach you to pay attention to some basic, important things.
Anticipate how he stands out from the background before you even shoot. My dog is solid black...not easy. This can train you to always consider what is around your subject. Move around to put him in front of desired background.
Observe the lighting on his face, and observe any dark shadows. You can help yourself by automatically being aware of high or low contrast.
Aperature is the key to blurring background. You should automatically think large f stops (f/2.8, f/3.5, etc.) when your looking for blurred background.
Avoid thinking to yourself "these complicated rules ruin the joy of capture" because at some point they will happen in your mind as automatically as driving a car.
FWIW, I like the lighting in this image and I think his face pops quite well. The comp is excellent because it evokes an emotion, at least for this dog-lover.
Keep shootin'