I'm assuming that these changes, to the county zoning ordinance -- if they were to be proposed -- would require first a series of public hearings, and then eventual approval/adoption by the governing body (residents of the county)? Right?
You are correct. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of folks who participate in County government, someone like Fred King who is hotel supporter could push these changes through. Even if the changes in the zoning laws are not made the state supreme court tends to give the local jurisdictions a lot of leeway on variances and the wording of the zoning laws does give some weasel wording that could justify a variance. I believe that unlike the towns, changes would not go to a general election for county voter approval, rather it would probably be the county commissioners who decided and they are decidedly pro development (and reportedly quite willing to do back room deals).
As for Greenmountain goats comment, permitting is actually not that hard once they get past the county planning and zoning hurdles. The fed has no control over it and the State has pretty minimal requirements plus potentially would encourage it as it solves the sewerage issue on the top of Mt Washington. The Fed can make it difficult by opposing a slackening of the setback requirements as the primary abutter but they generally try not to mess with local policies. The current WMNF supervisor is retiring and it will be up to his successor to decide policy. Given that the WMNF is regarded as a retirement post, the supervisors tend to be big on good PR but rarely want to rock the boat as they don't want to end up with temporary assignment to a forest service hellhole because of bad PR from messing with local politics.