How about a berry thread

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more berries:

black chokeberry (photinia melanocarpa), with blueberries in background

bunchberry, dogwood (cornus canadensis)

bristly sarsaparilla (aralia hispida)

red cherry aka pin or fire cherry (prunus pensylvanica)

juneberry aka early shadbush, serviceberry (amelanchier laevis)

skunk currant (ribes glandulosum)

solomon's seal berry (polygonatum biflorum)
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northern highbush blueberry (vaccinium corymbosum)

mountain holly (nemopanthus mucronatus)
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From the produce aisles on Bearpen and Roundtop Mountains in the Catskills

Thimbleberry (picked and placed inverted on thimbleberry leaves to illustrate the thimble shape):

Thimbleberry (picked and placed on thimbleberry leaves):



Mountain Ash berries:

Pin Cherries:
Cranberries On North Brother, Sept 4 2008

The Moutain Cranberry was everywhere. The berries I tried were not bitter at all. They were actually somewhat sweet.
Great Pictures!

I don't think I've ever seen Thimbleberry before. Cool!

Can anyone tell me what these are? They were growing on the ledges of South Baldface. Just plain, red berries.


I like this thread!
I'll have to take some pics, but so far this summer I have gorged myself on wild Himalayan Blackberries (everywhere!), Strawberries, Blueberries, Oregon grapes, Thimble berries, Huckleberries,Salmon berries, some other kind of low blackberry, red raspberries... and there are probably more too that I am forgetting.
Kevin said:
Can anyone tell me what these are? They were growing on the ledges of South Baldface. Just plain, red berries.
Mountain holly (Nemopanthus mucronata). I've been up on those ledges + one time made my one major edible plants mistake there: thought I saw a 5-parted calyx on the front of the berry + so concluded it was a juneberry. One quick taste proved otherwise...
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Thanks, Jason, as you probably know I like to label things correctly on my website. I haven't found a good site to ID berries. Any suggestions?

Kevin said:
Can anyone tell me what these are? They were growing on the ledges of South Baldface. Just plain, red berries.
Scroll back for my close up picture of mountain holly.
Thank you!

We've got multiple books to help us identify the flowers in spring, but none that help us with the berries in summer/fall. Thanks so much! I'm bookmarking this thread!
