How About A VFTT Calendar ???

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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Not quite yet
Hey, let's do a calendar!

In looking at all your great Pics, it occurred to me that it might be fun to pull together a VFTT calendar for 2005.

Each month could feature a cool shot (or more), and also provide essential info like when winter ends, spring begins, Gathering dates, etc. etc.

We could sell it Hopefully cover expenses and also donate the rest to Brain Tumor, conversation, or whatever.

What do you all think? Would you buy one??


Looks like we already have January's shot!
I have a nice shot for september I would be willing to submit. It is taken with a 5.0 megapixel, and showes beautiful fall colors on the NL property. I think its about 2mb in size. Let me know where to send it.

We might have to donate the procedes to me....we are running out of space on my new upgraded account. It took only about 6 months to go from the old 150MB max to the new 300 MB max. I no longer have enough space to backup the forum database - which would be very ugly if I have server problems again. The next step up is 500 MB, but that will cost me about $600 a year. I dont want to be cheap, but I have to draw the line somewhere...


Anyway, I looked into calendars a long time ago and you have to order thousands to get any decent pricing. Out of the 1300+ members, there are less than 200 that care enough about the site to order $3 decals or a $3 patch. I sold 300 patches, but it took 6 months to sell them all and a lot of people bought 2 to 4 of them so they could put the patches on all their packs. My guess is that less than 150 people would buy a $15 or $20 calendar and you will have a hard time making a $15 calendar in a qty of 150.

Now dont get me wrong, I would LOVE to have VFTT calendar. It would be very cool. I just dont think it is viable.

Now....maggie is looking into making VFTT polypro shirts for ~ $17. Those would probably sell better than a calendar and you dont have to worry about selling them before they get old and out of date.

- darren
I know shutterfly sells custom calendars if you upload your pics to them. The calendars are like $22 so we could make them $30 with an $8 donation. I would go for it if I could see the pictures first...

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I'll take a polypro shirt, and I'll match the price as a donation for the site. Let me know when, and where to send a money order.
I'd think "timeless" items are the way to go, as neat as the calendar sounds. I have a friend that did one for a local animal shelter, next item I see her I'll ask what the quantities were.

As for backup, is there a bandwidth limit? Would backing up off the main server be a viable idea? I could easily accommodate that on my home machine, 300 or so megs wouldn't be too much to transfer on a semi regular basis.

Shirts would rock.
I'd rather donate $25 to support the site than $8 of whatever go to a calendar.
As much as I've enjoyed the pictures, I too really don't think there are enough folks around here who would pony up the $$$ to make it worth the effort.
I would love a shirt a couple of patches and match a donation against both

Some may disagree.. I can hear it already, but maybe merchandising is a way to keep everything up and running and support you causes.
Buy if you want or don't no bad feelings either way.
If we get in on that Paypal deal that "Yrazor" is posting in some of the threads, we can all be rich and buy several of each (somebody tell his mother that he's being a bad boy).

The shirt is for me. Already have a couple stickers (the real deal, this time).
I'm a forum addict so just tell where and when to pony up and for how much and I'll be good for it. If I get a shirt out the deal so be it.
Count me in for one (OR TWO!) polypro shirts if those end up getting made. I'm hankerin' for more patches, so if you need more stickers to be sold, I'll be placing another order! :D
I'm in for a shirt or 2. Something other than white would be great so they don''t look like sh*t after a couple of hikes. Oh yeah, 2XL;)

While the calendar sounds like a great idea, the merchandising aspect makes it difficult. I doubt that any of us want to be in the business of VFTT marketing manager...
I like the shirt/donation idea. You can count me in for a couple. I don't mind paying a premium if it helps running the site.:)