How many "nights out" do you get?

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Apr 1, 2004
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Apple Valley Ohio!
We spend a lot of time camping,between late fall and early spring in the Whites,and kayak camping the rest of the year. We average around 20-30 nights a year in our tent.
I'm curious about how many other people like to spend their time out in their "packable vacation home"? How often,and where,how many nights at a time?
sara and i try and get out every weekend we can. this includes all seasons...

how often: as much as possible. well the rest of this summer is booked, BUT one of those bookings is the NPT. also it doesn't matter the time of year... let me tell you there is nothing like camping for a couple days in the winter time.

where: exclusive to the adks, not just one area though, we travel 250-300 miles every weekend and get back to some areas that NOONE go to.. it's great, sara and i have been to areas in the park that people most likely have never heard of.

how many nights: between 25-35 nights/ year

how many at one time: depends, sometimes only for one night, on average 2-3 days, so far the most consecuative has been 10...that will be shatterd next year on the AT..

btw, nice thread
16 nights out so far this year... mainly from backpacking on the AT in Maine but there are a few car camping trips rolled in there too. Last year, I spent 23 nights out and I'll exceed that tallly this year for sure. :)

- Ivy
This is the first year that I've done any backpacking so for me it's only about a handful. But, I have spent several nights tenting out in my backyard this summer! :D

This hasn't been too good of a year for me; so far I've only had a handful of camping trips. I try to get out as much as possible, mostly weekend trips in the Adirondacks. I'd much rather sleep in a tent, under a tarp, or in a leanto than sleep in my bed at home.
Never. I dayhike only (though it's amazing how long a "day" can last). When I sleep, it's in a bed. I was cured of the bizarre affliction called camping many years ago.
Fewer than I want.

Lately it's just been half a dozen or so per year, but the more the better. At least 1 or 2 per winter to confirm that I am indeed alive. Now that the kids like to camp it may get easier, but scheduling is such a pain...

Great thread.
None so far this year, and I'm going NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only dayhikes, and nothing big. I really need to get out, but my schedule is killing me. In years past, generally 2 3-day hikes and a couple of overnights.
29 days so far, but that doesn't count nights at the camp. This is one of my best year's yet! It's been split between the Whites and BSP. I will spend a few days in Washington State next week, a week in the ADK's later in August, and another weekend in BSP over Labor Day, then he VFTT VT Gathering. I haven't planned much beyond that, but I'm shooting for 50 bag nights this year! I usually spend 2-4 mights at a whack, but once a year I try to do 7-8 nights straight.
It used to be around 30 a year pretty evenly spread all through the year except for the week long trip in the summer. Mostly in the Whites with some 'dacks camping thrown in also. I am probably down to about 15 a year :( and almost entirely in the Whites right now and few in the winter. The number of day hikes has probably gone up though.

I was supposed to go out this weekend and now events have conspired, again at the last minute, to not allow me to go again. I am planning on the next weekend now though. I just bought a Hennesey hammock and am waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I can't wait to try it out. :D :D

I haven't kept track enough to know off the top of my head BUT I am guessing somewhere around 30-35 nights up till now and that number will be hitting atleast 50 nights by the end of the year. Last year I think I spent about 150-180 nights in a tent or under the stars. That was my best year ever :)

About 6 nights in the fall, mostly in BSP for the last 14 years. For approx. the last 5 years about 150 workout hikes a year, mostly on wachusetts.
None for me. That will probably stay that way. I like day hiking and coming home to my comfy bed. I never slept well when I camped out, so I gave up on it.
poison ivy said:
16 nights out so far this year... mainly from backpacking on the AT in Maine but there are a few car camping trips rolled in there too. Last year, I spent 23 nights out and I'll exceed that tallly this year for sure. :)

- Ivy

Ivy you are doing the AT in Maine, that's great. The stories that come to mind from my hike across one great trail. Well I could go on forever about the AT in Maine. I have been recently working on my journal entries from my trek across Vermont and New Hampshire and them up on my site. Presently I am pruning the notes from Maine should add that in a week or so. Enjoy Maine, it is beautiful
Another day hiker here. I do get out every winter in Quebec for something that is half way between camping and cabin living but these days most hiking trips are big day hikes. Yeah, you can do one helluva hike in 12-15 hours cantcha? OTOH camping can be so charming can't it? In two weeks my wife and I will be doing a 3 night loop in the central ADKs. Lots of lakes, no peaks, lots of romance.
I'm looking at low 20's this year, counting tents and lean-tos. And it's 6 more if I count my cabin nights in Baxter.

It's been a good year of balancing weekends away with job and friends. :)
I will need to make sure my wife does not see this one. I have averaged 25-30 nights over the last 6-7 years. I have tried to convince her that this is on the low end and that I (we) need to get out more.
snowshoe said:
None for me. That will probably stay that way. I like day hiking and coming home to my comfy bed. I never slept well when I camped out, so I gave up on it.

I'm coming to the same realization. I bought a tent this spring in hopes of "force feeding" myself car camping but it hasn't taken too well so far. I'll keep trying but confidence is low right now.

I've had my best year ever with (8) trips of 3 to 7 days totalling about 40 nights.

I spent 5 days on the Lost Coast of California and the rest in Southern Oregon and Northern California (bigfoot country).

Leaving again Monday for another (7) dayer. Life is good.
bbluee said:
I've had my best year ever with (8) trips of 3 to 7 days totalling about 40 nights.

I spent 5 days on the Lost Coast of California and the rest in Southern Oregon and Northern California (bigfoot country).

Leaving again Monday for another (7) dayer. Life is good.

You're having a year like I had last year. In 2004 I visited 6 National Parks; Acadia, Everglades, Glacier, Death Valley, Bryce, and Zion. Stayed in hotels though!

I've never regretted a dime that I've spent on travel.
