"I thought you'd draw the line at haulin' ice."


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This doesn't really much to do with this thread (loved the movie, BTW) but what the hell, that never seems to matter...

We got out of the woods after a week of climbing in the Brooks Range. All I wanted, in order, was: a) A shower; b) Many, many beers; c) A burger.

I took a shower in the scummiest facilitiy of all time in an aircraft hanger in Bettles, AK. Toweling off while chatting up a guy who was butchering a sheep he had just hunted. Definately a first for me.

Then, we headed over to Bettles Lodge, where I went right to the bar and ordered a six-pack of Bud Light. That cost $14. After draining those, we switched to some heavier Alaskan-brewed beer that was great.

We ordered food...and all they had was a chicken dinner/rice thingy. I was craving red meat, but as long as it wasn't in a pre-foil package it was OK.
This doesn't really much to do with this thread (loved the movie, BTW) but what the hell, that never seems to matter...

We got out of the woods after a week of climbing in the Brooks Range. All I wanted, in order, was: a) A shower; b) Many, many beers; c) A burger.

I took a shower in the scummiest facilitiy of all time in an aircraft hanger in Bettles, AK. Toweling off while chatting up a guy who was butchering a sheep he had just hunted. Definately a first for me.

Then, we headed over to Bettles Lodge, where I went right to the bar and ordered a six-pack of Bud Light. That cost $14. After draining those, we switched to some heavier Alaskan-brewed beer that was great.

We ordered food...and all they had was a chicken dinner/rice thingy. I was craving red meat, but as long as it wasn't in a pre-foil package it was OK.

Sounds like a great trip. My wife and I both have potential opportunities to work in Alaska for a period of time, which we are seriously considering, perhaps for our boys sophmore and junior years of high school.

Couple of points on your post-hike: 1) You're supposed to START with the good beer and then phase to the Bud Light and 2) Re. the red meat: You should've offered the hunter a couple beers, you probably could've had mutton ! ;)
Sounds like a great trip. My wife and I both have potential opportunities to work in Alaska for a period of time, which we are seriously considering, perhaps for our boys sophmore and junior years of high school.

Couple of points on your post-hike: 1) You're supposed to START with the good beer and then phase to the Bud Light and 2) Re. the red meat: You should've offered the hunter a couple beers, you probably could've had mutton ! ;)

We went with the crappy Bud Lights to get as many in as quickly as we could:) And, you are right...we should've opted for the fresh mutton....