I wonder if DOGS enjoy hiking and peakbagging?


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keepin' on said:
I saw a pic on the link bobandgeri posted of the dogs drinking from a water bottle. Any thoughts out there on training a dog to do this? Mine just wont. I have to stop and pour water for her in her bowl....it getting to be a pain.
Both my dogs are very strange about drinking when hiking. If I come to a stream they will not drink immediately. I have to stand there for several minutes and just wait them out. I often have to sit and pretend I'm resting before they will start drinking. They don't hike together so one did not teach this to the other.
They will drink from a wide mouth bottle or paper cup. They do not like it if I only fill the bottom of their travelling water bowl. I have to get the water at least half way up. Whatever they don't drink I just pour back into their personal water bottle.
I would also consider consulting BRUTUS Rooney with regards to dogs liking to hike.
I think he might be one of the top experts in this field.
I can also tell you that the only time my beagle mix ever jumped out an open truck window was when we arrived at a trail head! He was out of his mind with joy.
Blue Heelers

I have (2) Blue Heeler mutts. One is part Aussie and the other part Border Collie.

They are great hikers. Also known as Australian Cattle Dogs, they were bred for long hours working cattle. The breed is part Dingo (a wild dog), part dalmation, part 3 other breeds I can't remember. They are incredibly loyal, can hike forever, carry a pack. Very alert and smart dogs. They notice wildlife often before me. Even birds. Often they're the first to see a hawk or eagle.

They need a lot of exercise though. So if you can't take them out regularly you'll have to have some alternate activity at home.

They are smaller than Labs, and to me that's a plus. Remember you have to carry food for them too. Or have them carry it. In any case the smaller the dog, the less food it needs.

I've seen them listed in Backpacker mag, I think as one of the best hiking breeds, due to their endurance.

Anyway, here's a couple of photos.
Love those herding dogs

Great picks of the cattle dog mixes! Here's some more trail dog pics:

Here's a pic of my Australian (aussie) Shepherd, Terra Firma, at Marcy Dam. Hope the upload works. We were just finishing a loop over Algonquin>Lake Colden>Avalanche Lake and Pass. Their an all american breed with an australian misnomer. She loves to hike, traildogging is our favorite pastime. She also can "herd" my mountain bike for miles. She's a great sheepherder, too, but I'm pretty clumsy at it.
Yesterday we spread a little AT trail magic from the NYCT state line south about 17 miles in the form of fresh, local peach "cairns".


And here is a view I never tire of, traildogging with my buddy out ahead of me on the trail:


And one last traildog pic (I promise), BF's awesome trail dog Sam with me out in the La Garita Wilderness, Colorado.


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