Ice Storm 2013

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In Rembrance , July 2024
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
Despite the dire warning of ice accumulation overnight, I did not see the start of any significant accumulation in Gorham (1400 feet) until around 7 AM, Theevergreens definitely are freezing up and as of mid morning Sunday, the hardwoods have a coating. The winds are slowly coming up and the sounds of trees moving around in an ice sheet are definitely in the background. Hopefully it wont turn into trees snapping.
The cold air behind the front continues to move southward. We just dropped below freezing here in southeastern NH about thirty minutes ago (1030 EST), and ice is starting to accumulate.

It will be tomorrow morning before anyone has a good grasp on how much ice has accumulated from this event. I would expect that western Maine and points northeastward will bear the brunt, from the forecast.
I heard some rain overnight in Bethel and woke up to a coating of ice. No wind yet.

Not much doing throughout yesterday and last night, though.

Hope people do well driving if the ice gets bad up there.I read there was extra power companies up north from other states to help with outages.Not sure I want to drive tomorrow morning to hike now.Guess I could stay home and pile on the carbs now that it is winter! found this;

We saw a couple of bucket truck convoys heading north on 93 last night. About 35 in all, so it looks lime they are anticipating issue instead of just reacting.
I'm visiting my folks in Belfast for the week, and sure glad I got in last night. As of now, there's about 3mm of ice coating my car, and tree limbs are starting to snap. Word from a friend in Camden says the rain is coming down a little harder there, with a quarter inch of ice on the trees already.
I'm in the middle of Maine, between Bangor and Moosehead area and it never was warmer than 27 here. We got 2 inches of sleet Saturday night but the rest was freezing rain or freezing mist. The sleet under the icy crust is the consistency of salt. a lot of places it is a giant block of ice as deep as the snow pack (8"-10" or so) Most places it is a 4 inch crust hard enough to walk on with the salt textured snow under it. We didn't lose much snow though.
Much snow burned off in Gorham, no significant tree issues at my house, The driveway has 3/8" coating of ice. Looks like an icy weekend coming up in the whites without a lot of snow cover over the rocks.
Its Tuesday morning and the payback for putting up with two days of icing has appeared. Blue skies and low but bright winter sun shining through the glazed trees with the northern presidential lit up bright in the background. The hardwoods and softwoods seem to be handling the ice well although the firs and spruces look like furry green candles. I expect at some point when it warms up, its going to be raining in the the woods while the ice melts off the trees.

Hopefully the snow will be out long enough enough to thaw the ice off driveway and the solar panels.
Up to Errol and Umbagog Monday and it got pretty bad from Dummer and up through, borderline disaster.

Pittsburg and Stewartstown a bit worse, reports of overwhelmed culverts and flooding on the CT Lakes property, and heaviest ice with many trees/branches down w/ Deer Mtn. area almost to '98 storm level.