If you can't climb them, eat them!


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Wow, how creative!! What kind of cake is it? How did you sculpt it into shape?

I just may have to try and make myself one of those for my birthday in the summer!! :D
That is the best argument for "Leave No Trace."
jessbee said:
How did you sculpt it into shape?

Just put the second layer on top of the first, start cutting out the ravines with a steak knife, and use the cut-out pieces to make the peaks. Cover it all with frosting to smooth it over.
Very cool. You should become a cartographer. :D He should have been very thankful for someone to go through that amount of effort.

Very nice.

What's with all the green? Where's the white frosting on top? Then I can pretend the knife is a ski...

(incredible edible job, btw!!!)
Are you kidding me?????? That cake is over the top. I want to see what you can make with a Whisper Lite.

- darren

ps: I really like how you included the cabins...
bobandgeri said:
Hey MEB and Little Sister - looks like you may have some competition :>

Umsaskis -- know that this reference requires you to CARRY a cake to the peak... some just won't give you any room to bask in the sucsess of your creation!! Very nice!! Very special of you to do.
Nice cake, now let's see you do a cake for the AT!!! How big do you think that cake would be?

Yea! AT cake!

Umsaskis - I see a business opportunity arising here! Quit your job.......make cake!
Holy crap, and I thought my mom was good with cakes, that uhhh...takes the cake...sorry, had to...

Seriously, though, that's what I want, in ADK style, for my 40th birthday. Can you ship to NY?