Would I help a stranger on the trail? YES!!
HikerAmiga said:
let's consider for a moment how many people we have known to do something like this on the trails for a complete stranger? I hope each of us knows at least one person who has behaved selflessly in this way or similarly.
I'm surprised you don't think more hikers would do what NH_Mtn_Hiker did. We (hikers, trailwalkers, bushwhackers, backpackers, Ect.) are a small group of individuals, doing what we love to do, in a environment we love, surrounded by the sights and sounds we love.
If and when we come upon someone on the trail needing help, I think we would all do what needs to be done. I've helped many hikers on (and off ) the trail. In the last year alone, I've given directions, loaned my maps out, filled water bottles from my filter, gave someone my "Ace" Bandage, given rides back to another trailhead, taken group pictures (with the camera owner in the picture) and so on, and so on. Yes, these are small thing compared to what NH_Mnt_Hiker did, but they are things I have come upon on the trail and after observing the situation, I invested a little time and effort and hopefully made everyone involved happy.
I do this, not because I'm a nice guy (I am, but don't tell anyone)
, I do this because we are a close group of like minded people, enjoying the same thing at the same time, in the same place.
I also believe in "kismet" (or karma if you will). What goes around, comes around. I don't think anyone on this board would have walked away from this person or any person hurt on the trail.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now. Copies of this rant can be bought on-line by sending $4.99 thru that little door in the front of your computer and waiting.