Join Team Views From The Top - TBTS Ride for Research 06

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Poobah Emeritus
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
S. Dartmouth, MA
Hi. On Sunday, May 21th, Team Views From the Top rides again for The Brain Tumor Society's Ride for Research 2006! Please consider joining the team and riding either 10, 25, or 50 miles through the Western suburbs of Boston with us, or sponsor one of the teammates and donate to this very worthy cause.

Most readers here know that I run this site in my spare time with money out of my pocket. Once a year I do this charity ride for the Brain Tumor Society and rely on the generous donations of the site readers to help make the ride a success. Please help Views From The Top continue in it's support of the Brain Tumor Society.

All information on the ride is located here.

Thank you for your support!!!

- darren
While I was glad to do the 50-miler last year, this May I have a scheduling conflict and will be unable to ride. :(

What time does the ride begin? I don't see that info on that anywhere. I have a bridal shower that afternoon that I cannot miss since I am one of the bridesmaids BUT maybe I can do both depending on the start time for the ride.

MichaelJ - do not tell me you have another wedding to go to....

Seema - I can't find the info, but registration and the start time depends on the ride you choose. The rides usually start between 8 and 10. I emailed the ride organizers and will post info when I get it.

Thanks for the interest!

- darren
darren said:
MichaelJ - do not tell me you have another wedding to go to....

No, it's the planning meeting for Flags on the 48 that weekend, so ironically instead of being just about 10 miles from the starting line, I'll be about 150 miles away in a tent. In theory I could do it if it got up around 3am and started heading back then, but the resulting bike ride would be ... bad.
oh yes, the ride was a lot of fun last year and its in a really pretty area! Hopefully i'll be able to get in a little better shape so I'm not dying of exhaustion at the end of it. I think i had ridden a road bike three times ever at last years ride.

Thank you everyone who supported me last year and hopefully you'll all support me again because i don't want darren kicking my butt at raking in the dollars again!!! ;)

Cheers! :)
Its been great to see this event grow every year that the site has been running. I hope that you have an even bigger turnout again this year, Darren. Of course, I'll be down in Damascus, VA so I won't be able to join Team VFTT. However, I'll be sure to support you and the other members here that will be doing this ride.

In fact, I got a message from a college friend who now lives out in California. His mother died of a brain tumor and he is organizing a ride out there on the same day. Good luck to everyone.

Skip one hike and donate the $ for the gas and beer to the cause !

Does anyone know how to secure a corporate matching contribution ?
I believe my company (Wachovia) matches, but I don't think I contribute directly to Darren, I think I have to go through HQ and donate to BTS there.
I should just shut up and do both.
donation made.....

Wish I could actually ride with the team this year, but I'm leaving for a trip that morning unfortunately. I'll throw next year's race in my calendar as soon as they announce it so that I don't miss three in a row.

I'd like to see the $5K goal smashed this year. I think VFTT is capable of way more than that...especially since Darren only asks for help from us once a year.

- Greg
I'm In!

Glad to say that I will be doing the 50 mile ride. Hope everyone can pitch in and help Darren and the BTS. Now all I have to do is start training. :eek:
darren said:
Hi. On Sunday, May 21th, Team Views From the Top rides again for The Brain Tumor Society's Ride for Research 2006! Please consider joining the team and riding either 10, 25, or 50 miles through the Western suburbs of Boston with us, or sponsor one of the teammates and donate to this very worthy cause.- darren


I'm interested in joining the team, raising money, and riding with you guys that day. Where does the ride start? Do you have any info on the 25 and 50 mile routes? Thanks! I love cycling for a good cause! :)

Roxi said:

I'm interested in joining the team, raising money, and riding with you guys that day. Where does the ride start? Do you have any info on the 25 and 50 mile routes? Thanks! I love cycling for a good cause! :)


There is a bunch of info at the link Darren provided. Check out the link above and click on "Ride Information". Hope that helps.

Just looking to bring this thread back to the top.
Darren and crew have spent alot of effort to make this site work.
Please think about his efforts and also for his causes and make this a "Great" event for everyone.
Besides I need some motivation to "RIDE" more!
Cool, that helps!
Thanks! :rolleyes:

QUOTE=Jay H]All you cyclists out there, you do know that you can actually ride without even being in the Boston area, which means if you're a mountain biker, you can ride 50 miles of say the Continental Divide Trail or your local forest.

Thought I'd pass this on...

I won't be able to ride in May, but I will be hitting all my friends and co-workers up for donations in June as I join JayH and gang to Pound the Pressies for the Brain Tumor Society. Gee, I get to raise money and have fun outdoors all at the same time. I guess i can muti task