June 10 - Donaldson & Emmons (Seward Range)


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Canoeing on Henderson Lake?

I can think of a great mountain nearby that's calling your name:

"Boooooobbbbbb, cliiiimmmmbbb meeeee aaaagggaaaaiiiinnn."
-The Allen mountain gods


Let me know about your MacNaughton climb because that's one I'll be looking to climb soon too!

Fred, That will be a "game time" decision. I only have 2 weekends all summer where I'll have 2 or more days in a row to paddle or hike. I haven't done a wilderness canoe trip since '01, when I started climbing.

However, when December 21st comes along, I'm there!
Bob, sounds great. I can't fault you at all for spending time doing those "other things" in lieu of climbing post-46. I too, plan on expanding some of my activities. Catskill 35, NE111 (115?), might get into some paddling and I'm really enjoying ice climbing too so that's a big direction for me for post-46 fun.

A big thumbs-up to December 21st! Can't wait to start making real progress on that winter list. I think I'm somewhere in the mid-teens so I'll have lots of mountains to climb in the coming winters. I'm just DREADING that Couchie hike in the winter! I think I'll leave that one for a little while!

Take it easy,


PS: I think I'm going home for the Bills vs Pats on October 3rd, so if it works out we should try to catch a beer while I'm back in Buffalo.
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